HEXAGON By: A Punker This map is made for all forms of game types. It is a map that involves two bases and a mid ground of two hexagon shaped in the middles that act as types of partitions with catwalks that wrap and go through them, as well as have ways to go through them under the catwalks. I made it only with the intention of the hexagon ideas. The bases took 3 days of design before I was satisfied. The map makes use of natural cover from the actual element of the map rather than little various forms of cover everywhere. The only real places that have barrier type cover are in the bases. There are grav lifts(with instant respawn incase detonated) that will cause players to reach the catwalks or they can jump to them from the top level of the bases. For fun I put firebombs on the weapon holders that hold the barriers. Also the Laser is sitting in the middle on the sign cross and is able to just be grabbed with a jump to it. *NOTE* This map has only slayer elements built... The rest are up to who downloads it. BASE OVERVIEWS: BASE BACKSIDES: BASE BOTTOMS: BASE TOPSIDES: BASE & HEX TRANSITION JUMP SPACE: HEXAGON OVERVIEW: BOTH HEXAGONS: HEX SIDES(OTHERSIDE IS OVERSHIELD): *NOTE* I have an MLG version that will be posted. This is also a blast on SWAT. Please download and test this map. Comment or rate too please. Download Hexagon
I just downloaded it and tested it,it is a very good and neat map.The weapon placement could be a little better but all in all,this is a great map and very good merging and interlocking.The bases could be a little neater but the middle is very neat and well interlocked 4.5/5
im not sure if the shotguns were nessasary on this map but i think i will prefere it when you convert in to MLG other than that the map is great
I really like the look of the bases, they look very smooth and clean. The middle seems a little werid, but I really can't tell until I play it. I think it deserves a 5/5.
i love the hexegons very good interlocking and your made 2 of them i played on this eartier and i lve it but my party though the shotguns werent nessicery that just from are expertice i woud love to see the mlg verion of this map nice job 5/5 thanks
The forging is great but I dont really like the map. If you made it MLG it be execlent but just as regular its not very good 4/5
wow this is a great map, i never seen a design like that. all of the inclined pillars and the not on ebut two Hexagons in the middle. that my friend is a sight that i must see on halo. very good, if this plays as well as it looks i would not be suprised to see it on the front page.
I love this map but there is one thing that is kinda painful to see... the boxes aren't geomerged into the ground so nades can be lost, so while i like this aloty i don't know if it will pick up a feature... but if the boxes were gromerged i would have put money on this getting featured... 4.9/5
This is a good looking map. The bases seem neat and clean as does the rest. good job 4/5 from me. ~BlackhawkO3~
This map is gorgeous! I love it! The asethetics are beautiful, the gameplay seems good, and the layout is great. Everything is beautifully merged. 5/5!