No... Cake>Pie. I made a whole set of shouts to commemorate that. Foundry was made to be Forged. Saying that people shouldn't make maps on Foundry is like telling them that they are only allowed to climb a mound of dirt, and not a mountain.
Foundry is a great map for forging, that's the reason it's being forged so much. I agree with the people saying that telling people to not use Foundry for forging is like giving them a cake and tell them to eat a pie instead. Cake FTW
this is simply unacceptable where are all the pie supporters? Can you honestly let them say this slander of pie!? OH and um yeah foundry for forging /thumbs up
I really like it...I get to see so many different things done with the exact same tools, halps to stimulate your imagination for what is possible. What I'm **MORE** tired of is players that join my rooms and still do not have the DLC.......LAME!
The cool thing about foundry is that it can me forged into a total different map so we actually don't get a constant flow of foundry maps because those maps are all so different, other gameplay, gametypes etc
yeah it does get annoying if peoole keep making the same type off maps on foundry but but if its a diverse map its alright i have so many foundry maps downloaded i forget what half of them are ? :squirrel_wtf:
IM NOT SAYING NOT TO USE FOUNDRY im saying theres almost too MANY bad foundry maps and the constant flow is very annoying but there are some very good foundry maps and i like foundry
if you'd say do not use foundry we still would ^^ but i understand what you feel, but i really don't think it's annoying because you can only ownload the good maps and if it turns out to be bad just delete it.. i like foundry too ^_^
Yes. Because despite the infinite (sort of) amount of things you can do on Foundry, they're still pretty much the same. It's too boxy, grey, and small. It's like giving someone 20 wooden blocks and erm... Oh screw it.
lol...but really i love foundry and am working on a very unique masterpece in foundry but i am a little tired of most of these maps that are the same exact thing. but...YES!!!!! I LOVE FOUNDRY
Name me a better Forge map... (this is a Forge site, right?) The only thing I'm tired of are Foundry maps that could have been created on other maps (but these are always bad maps, so who cares anyway).
Maybe if Foundry wasn't so ugly and unattractive for screenshots. I wonder what Bungie was thinking when they made that map, knowing how much use it would get. I'm think the next Foundry-style map should be on the deck of an Aircraft Carrier. It would be freakin' huge, allowing us to make even more cool maps. Oh, and REAL DAYLIGHT, so our maps don't look so depressing in screenshots. --dc
Its mostly screenshots. What annoys me most is that screenshots taken in Foundry are rarely very helpful because its near impossible to distinguish areas since the map all looks the same. My least favorite is the double-box corridor. It has no purpose!
i agree with you guys..the map is horrible for screenshots and it is impossible to tell what things are in screenshots for maps
I agree with you to an extent. On one hand, the grey walls and plain setting of Foundry bores me, but on the other hand, the variety of objects and the flat landscape makes forging convenient. What I believe is this: Foundry is more meant for the maps than the gametypes, while the other levels are more meant for the gametypes than the maps (with few acceptions). Game variants are more important than most people think. PS- I actually made a forum topic just like this awhile ago.
I was sick of the constant flow of foundry maps about a week after Foundry was released. Then someone figured out interlocking and it was slightly interesting for a couple more days. Now its just a complete bore.
i'm not getting sick of it because people seem to get crazy new ideas like who would've thought getting splattered by barrels and dumpsters could be so much fun?