KNIGH7MARE-Montage Trailer!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by KNIGH7MARE, Feb 3, 2009.


    KNIGH7MARE Ancient
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    Still in the making thought I would upload this to get some input from the community, Mainly a laser montage. its still a little rough at the moment, comment and critique! I've only edited and added effects in Win Movie Maker, until its complete.
    KNIGH7MARE-Montage Trailer!
  2. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Well, first off do not use WMM! Just no. There are alot of trials, Sony has a few 30 day ones for Vegas Pro 8, which I recommend you use even if it is temporary.

    Second, clips aren't that great. It is maybe a laser montage, but single laser kills with infinite ammo isn't he most impressive. Also, I feel like you make a big deal out of not so great kills, such as the no scope at the beginning. You die immediately afterward, which you may not want to show. So, just cut it right after you get the kill, maybe do a quick replay, but move on with it.

    Really, the largest issue I have is the pacing. You have some various kills, and you think this will be a varied montage. However, then you just have straight laser kills, and not the best either. Either stick purely with laser kills (but make sure you get only the best ones) or chop things up more. Throw things in between laser kills, or something, just as long as you break things up so it doesn't feel drawn out.

    KNIGH7MARE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is my first vid and this is more of a practice vid at the moment I'm just looking for input more then awesome montage, the finished wont have alot of single laser kills in it they will mostly be edited out! and the Music is subject to change seeing how I don't have the song I need on my laptop, Also there wasn't alot of diff vids because 2900d4u who runs the COTW is uploading my vids so he's pretty busy I'm looking for more ppl with cap cards btw, I just did this while im waiting to get my other vids up~
    I got stuck and turned for the no scope thats why I died it was a clutch moment! I though(sill do, thinks its sweet) even if I died!
  4. Penguinish

    Penguinish Ancient
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    That was so bad.

    Only the extrm on narrows was the only clip worthy clip,
    keep playing kid, stay out of that laser playlist..
  5. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    That's fine then, it's understandable.

    If you want purely from an editing perspective, my advice is the same as before. Go download a trial version of Sony Vegas 8:
    Download SONY Vegas Pro 8.0c Free Trial - Combines real-time SD, DV and HDV video editing with unrivaled audio tools to provide the ultimate all-in-one environment - Softpedia
    That should be a safe download, if not just google it.

    Sure, it is only 30 days, but man you cannot do anything with WMM without dumping on quality. With Vegas, you can do cleaner cuts that are more precise, add better effects (and even hand made ones), and many other things.

    Now, first things first. Be patient, and take your time. Trust me, rushing through stuff is bad. Take this video of mine for example. Now, I am not trying to justify myself for making it so horribly, but that was made in 2 hours on a laptop on a car drive. Feat right? No. In the world of editing, time doesn't amount to anything. It is only a reason why your video potentially sucks. While on the other hand, a seciton of something that is only 6 seconds long that I am worknig on currently, took me 2 days to edit. But, it flows great, and looks awesome. However, let me reference little things I did in that video.

    First off, I matched action to song. You already got the basis of this down in your video, but try and match it more often. For example, most "sparta!" lines I get a kill. When the music tempo slows down, so does the clip. During little techno flares, I input so fast action such as the P90 bursts. All those little things will add great quality to your video, even ones that you normally wouldn't notice.

    Second, all be it poorly done and may cause seisures in this case, add little effects to truly bring out amazing kills. For the 2 for 1 snipe, I waited for a climatic moment in the song, added a strobe effect, lead up to the moment in slower motion, and then hit normal speed upon firing the bullet. Simple tricks (executed poorly) work like a charm.

    Third, don't do what I did with the pistol thing. It's boring, drags on, and while it can work when used in moderation, I did it incorrectly. Again, due to impatience, I just slapped it on the time line and said "That's good enough." HAVE PATIENCE! Though only thing I can garner from that however, is it still fit with the flow of the music. Key factor. Montages need music, why? Because it adds intensity and creates mood. This is a good time to enforce what I have been saying, and introduce you to what I call "Editing Footage to Music" and "Editing Music to Footage".

    In the case of a montage, you want to edit the footage to the music. The music enhances the action, so at prominant moments within the song, you should have prominant moments within your montage. So, find your music track, one that you REALLY like, and lay it on the time line first. Then, just place in videos. If you are editing and realize that something that you arleady used would work better somewhere else, suck it up and make that edit. Sure, more work, but trust your own judgement. Do not become intimidated by the work. Do not, however, lay down your clips first, and then add the music. It won't work, not in this case. That is a little more advanced stuff which involve audio tampering which you really don't want to get involved with.

    Hmm, that is a brief touch on things, sorry I didn't write more. Any other advice you seek, feel free to message me, I'll be glad to help. Now, that isn't the best or most recent example of my work, so don't judge my other stuff based on that p.o.s. ;)

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