Map Title: Grave Danger A two-team slayer map, made for fun but not MLG or extreme competitive play. Download Map Download Gametype Description: A map that takes up nearly half of Foundry. It is covered with multiple tombstones, in front of which are pallets. Destroying these pallets gives way to secret underground catacombs. Another entrance is below the walkway to the graveyard. One side of the map holds a church, and the other a base with a trap in front of it. The church is flooded, and a hidden teleporter connects it to the catacomb tunnels. The teleporter is two-way, and is found in front of the radar jammer in the tunnels. Crouching may be necessary to get through.
your screenshots arnt working, try going to forging 101 to find out how embed them properly, you have 24 hours
nice map the pics look great and everything, i mean just look at that forging with the monsters head, thats some nice geomerging you got there. Maybe next you should try using photo bucket ore something it really makes your pictures stand out more and actually appear on the screen
one of the best responses to a failed thread I've ever seen. Hey, but you're pics have not been uploaded to a picture hoster, which they need to be to show up on the screen, try saving the pics to your computer, then going to upload them to, and copying the code into your thread. then they should work. [B]EDIT: He's been warned, and corrected, there is no reason to post about this matter anymore.[/B]