I took the CnC from my "Covert" signature (you can check that out in my current signature) and used it to my best efforts. I toned down on the colors and effects some. It seemed that you guys thought my last tag was a bit sloppy. --- --- --- New versions --- Less light source (by his face) ?
Looks pretty nice. Nice depth. Could use some blurring on the effects though. Also, make the effects a bit brighter.
Its alot better than the other one. The first group are the best, and the colored looks alot better than the black and white.
Hmm... at first glance, I'd say the first one is best, and it looks really good. But looking at it, I feel like all that was done was you put the render on the BG, added the C4D and then toned colors and sharpened... sorry if that is wrong and a lot more was done, it's just that that is what it looks like to me. However, if you don't pay attention to that, for a very simple sig, it is quite effective and cool looking.
Yeah it does look warped. The sig looks odd altogether. Somehow the depth isn't working for me, tis weird. Its like there is an extreme foreground and an extreme background but no middle ground, looks very strange.
The renders face has a really harsh line accross where the light emits from his visor. Soften that up a bit or make the light come out of the render. The bg is a bit off, could use some more orangy colours and blur moving towards the render.
These new versions are way better. The guy still looks slightly warped to me but I do't know if that is just me. Looks good!