Trust me these are not very good but I just felt like posting them. So tell me what you guys think CnC! Bioshock 1 Bioshock 2 Brotherhood Of Steel City One I Like This One Dead Space Feedback and CnC Please!!! If this thread stays near on the first page I will update with moar! I'm working on some more abstract tags and stuff.
The only one I slightly like it the Fallout one. It's creative. But most are empty, bad effects, bad depth. :\ Look at some tutorials and get better.
Ya I know. I just got a new comp and am saving up for a new Photoshop so right now I'm using GIMP and there is not a whole lot of tuts for GIMP. But I got no clue what depth is so. lol thx
You know what? I just have to say this, I hate it when on forgehub people comment on peoples art as if they are experts and they know everything. New flash, you don't! If he likes his work then he likes it. That is all that matters.
The first pic with the bioshock guy looks awesome. Really like the blue in the background. I know the second one is the same, but I think the text looks better in the first one.
I on't want to comment on how the sigs have been made, I'll just say you have a different taste in art to me. And you used the same render in the Bioshock one. High five! lol. I do like the idea of putting your name on the knuckles though, thats cool
Ya it does not look pretty nice, but it's okay. My fave is "I like this one". Nice blue lines there. I don't get why you named the Fallout 3 pic BROTHERHOOD...
Those are really good! I don't know anything about photoshop, so to me, those look really good. Keep up the good work!