Top Secret Created by I Ghonneria I aka Jose [br] Supported Gametypes: Team slayer, Slayer, Multi flag, Assault [br] Where to get it. Top Secret ---Link Here [youtube][/youtube] [br] Map Description Hey everyone, this is one of my best maps, lots of hard work put into it. It is called Top Secret. I tried to make it as symmetrical as possible, this is great for slayer, team slayer, and really fun to play multi flag on. Has 4 main floating platforms to hold your base down, or to just take over the other one. cat walks all around the map GREAT FUN! please give it a shot. 4-12 definantly only do 16 players if everyone has good connection thanx! ---Weapons on map--- --Battle Rifle= 16 --Assault Rifle= 8 --Mauler= 3 --Brute Shot= 2 --Needler= 2 --Flamethrower --Rocket launcher --Sword --Sniper Rifle= 2 --Plasma Rifle= 4 --Shotgun= 4 --Magnum= 10 --SMG= 10 --Plasma Pistol= 2 --Carbine= 4 --Turret (Human)= 2 (Note) Although some of you might be thinking there are to many weapons, i balanced them out pretty well most of them are in the armory in the bases. And the only power weapons that arent visible to both teams at all times are the sniper rifles and shotguns, everything else you will be able to see someone going for them. All of these weapns are evenly distributed through out both sides of the map with the sword, rocket launcher, flamethrower, and mauler in the middle. There are also a couple of equipment items thrown in such as regenerator, bubble shield, and a power drain.Thanx a lot for the people who have supported and downloaded my map, it means a lot hope you enjoy to all who have not. Please Comment or rate! AND IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANYTHING NICE TO SAY, DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL =] I Ghonneria I [br] _________________________________________________ [br] The Armory [br] B side view one. [br] B side view two [br] B side sniper view. [br] A side view one [br] A side view two [br] A side sniper view. [br] Middle view from A side. [br] Middle view from B side [br] Shotty corner (one on each side) like the pit. [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Thanx a lot for the people who have supported and downloaded my map, it means a lot hope you enjoy to all who have not. Please Comment or rate! AND IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANYTHING NICE TO SAY, DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL =] I Ghonneria I EDIT by Furious: Please name the map thread the same as the map. It makes browsing the forums easier. Thanks.
Darn, beat me to it, Orange. If we don't have anything nice to say about this, how do you expect me to review this? I mean, I can't talk about the clumped up weapons, or how it could use interlocking in some parts, or how a player can shoot straight to the other end of the map because there's no cover, etc... I'd love to grade this and criticize it, but apparently, I can't exactly do that.
No by all means criticize just dont be like you are a complete noob you suck at forge stuff like that because this is my 2nd map btw, but go for it bro!
ok thanx and ur entitled to your opinion its not like im gonna try to please everyone but thanx for atleast checking it out dude much appreciated!
in my opinion, armories are lazy excuses for not planning out weapon placement, and it makes it too easy to get weapons
I'm also not a huge armory fan, most armory maps end up going downhill in my book. Some people love armories but I think it just created too many weapons. The map looks pretty straightforward. There isn't a whole lot of forge tricks or anything new, but that isn't necessarily bad. I like the middle section where the 4 bridges intersect.
i think ppl under rate wepon and spawn placement and wepons spawn time/ amo EG an armory is full of wepons so every one will camp there. EG (not about your one) if all the wepons spawn in 10sec with 2 clips every one will have power wepons with lots of amo. EG (not about your one) if every one spawns in one place or in the middle of a gun fight there dead by crosfire or spawn killing But i do like they lay out of the map but i would spread out the wepons
thank you guys for taking a look at my map! But the way my weapons are laid out, in the armory there are only battle rifles, smgs, pistols, and A shotgun so if they camp back there the apposing team will have all the power weapons like rockets and both snipers so its a camp at your own risk type deal. And the whole point of this map is to show team work and if you get caught in crossfire its because you were getting too cocky this map is really good for learning good communication skills because some weapons to get them you risk being seen by the other team and u need your team to back you up! once again thanx guys!
i added the video so you guys wouldnt have to go thru the trouble of clicking on a link, so u can see it before u criticize it
Map is aight. Not a big fan of armories though. nothing special about it, just another slayer map. Set the Sword spawn time more though.
it looks pretty good from the video, but, i despise you because you like the stupid as* colts!!! remember super bowl 3? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! if you don't, just look it up on wikipedia......
First off, this will NEVER happen at ForgeHub. The video is hard to see for me, but it still helps me learn about the map. (Maybe not as much as I would like) As seen from the video it looks like spawns could be a problem. I dunno how well that will work ingame, haven't played it yet. The map itself looks a little messy(just a little). Interlocking could help a lot to make it a lot cleaner.
haha no i dont remember superbowl three i wasnt born yet and the colts own!!...and interlocking isnt everything guys yea it makes the map look a little bit nicer but it doesnt give it originality cuz everyone does it...its like saying u are on youtube and ur bout to watch a montage that says a non bxr montage and you end up not watching it just because he doesnt bxr you know what i mean? like yea i could do it and get a couple extra looks but im not so i didnt
look-up "broadway" joe namath, or superbowl guarentee, or super bowl 3 and you will know wat i mean.....
No way frigoc colts own! Manning was really dumb this year ill give u that but he'll bounce back haha....and THANK YOU toochie for being positive you are ground zero for the start of something great haha