I've finished a foundry model and now I don't know where to go to upload the file, so people can download it. Any ideas on where to host the file(13 mb) -Update thanks guys for the help here is link to my Blank Foundry. (Sorry for the wait time, but hey what can I say it's free.)
If you need to save as images follow these steps. 1)click export>2D Graphic 2)Save as PNG 3)Use photobucket to host it. If you need to save as a model you should use rapidshare. Is this going to be an improvement on fritzers. If it is then you can haz cookie. The phoenix 9= 1 chocolate chip cookie
By the way, it isn't completely done, so dont get mad at me if some things are a little out of proportion. (please)
err i downloaded it and it looks really good. problem is that I can get into the nitty gritty because of all the ceiling it has D: