Yes, it's modded. Not super funny, but might give you a chuckle. :happy: Waddah ya think? Rate and download:
Well done. How did you get the flaming recon guys or is that part of the mod? I like the way the Scout helmet guy is inside the tent. Pretty alright pic for a funny.
Haha this is pretty cool I'm not gonna lie, personally I've never seen this type of picture before with the, "camping," theme so for me at least this is original. Good job 4.5/5!
lol, I just usually use like a stack of pALLETs and set them on fire, but this is funnier. It almost seems sortah racist though...
EpicFishFinger: Yes the recon and flaming is the mod. Skanky Toast: :S Yea I kinda see that now... I made them brown because logs are brown. Everyone else: THANKS! :happy:
I think the flaming recon is part of the mod, but that's funny how you made it look like a camp. Lol if campers were like that I would kill them every time.
hahahaha, that's really good. Like really good! I love the dry humor And how the brown team is all looking at each other like; how much do we get paid again to be with this creep? Again, I <3 humor shots. 5/5 =]
lol iv'e seen something like this before but they made a whole camper on foundry. this one's better though. i like how the flaming bungie guys are (are they really bungie or is a glitch?)
everybodys easily offended nowadays, i wouldnt worry about it, and i highly doubt thats considered racist. funny pic though
Thanks for all the good ratings! Yup the flaming recon is the mod. Also, not sure if you noticed, but the 'camper' has recon shoulders. I would appreciate if you rated on bungie too! : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
Haha for once I actually laughed at a picture like this. Its definitly modded. You can tell unless you actually got to staff from bungie to take this picture with you lol good job, very original
Wow, you sure have the best legitimate strategy of them all. I need this map. I can finally say I went camping.