---Firing Line--- Author: Matty Supported Gametypes: Slayer, Oddball, KotH, VIP, Juggernaught, SWAT Recommended Gametypes: Slayer, Oddball, KotH, SWAT Recommended Players: 2-8 +++Download+++ Weapons on map: 1 Sniper rifle 1 Shotgun 2 SMG's 4 Plasma grenades 4 Frag grenades 8 Battle Rifles NOTE: when playing oddball, the shotgun will disappear, this is because i find it far too powerful for a team to have both the ball and the shotgun, when the ball has similar characteristics to the shotgun anyway. Introduction: Welcome to Firing Lane, my 3rd released map. This map has taken quite a while to perfect. 90% of the entire map is Interlocked. The map is also, around 90% Symmetrical, because the shape of Foundry forced me to make a few changes to one side. I have played many test matches, and i think it plays very well. I believe this map supports any amount of small players, from 1v1 to 4v4, although i recommend not going past that. NOTE: It is clearly possible, as you might have noticed from the pictures, for a player to 'frag jump' out of the map. I decided to allow this, because i dont have enough items left to block off all the areas off, and if i did, it would ruin the look of the map. But to be honest, if a player is sad enough to try get out of the map, they arnt worth playing against. It also gains no advantage, there is no cover, nowhere to hide. To get back in they can just go through a teleporter, which will drop them in the middle of the map. Description: This map is basicly 1 big room (the top 4 pics) with a raised level going around the outside. There is more cover around the outside, with the risk of bieng fragged easily. There are 2 sets of staircases, on opposite sides of the map, each takes you down to the lower level, which is a large 'ring shape' corridor, which goes all around the map until joining back up with itself. This corridor is very tight, and acts as a seperate way around for the sneaky players, there is plenty of cover, but also plenty of ways to bounce grenades around onto your enemies. There is a clear balance of skill and tactics, so the better player will not necassarily win, especially if he doesnt think before he acts. Screenshots: Overview of the top floor Overview of the top floor from the opposite side View of what one side looks like View from the upper level View of one of the corridors on the bottom level
looks good, i got it queued. no description? and part of this looks vaguely familiar haha ill get back to you after i get some sleep and get to check it out EDIT: just read what u wrote in the shoutbox... ill read about it later.
The pillars look great. They definitely give the map an interesting look. I also like the corridor under the map. It reminds me of a level on CoD4. Downloaded, and can't wait to play.
Thanks guys, and to the first 2 replies: i was writing out the description, i just keep hitting save because my internet goes on and off. I have to do it a bit at a time.
Great map, looks brilliant, everything is lined up neatly and interlocked correctly. Also had a sneak preview of this at the weekend
Looks very nice indeed, the 1v1 tournament needs a map more like this, small doesn't have to mean claustrophobic. Looks very neat and tidy good job. I definitely think you should make it possible to get back in if you fall out though. If you change it quickly you won't loose too many downloads.
Ok i have updated the map, and put a new link there. Anyone who downloaded this before i recommend to download again, Sorry for any inconvenience.
it doesnt look like a bunch of crappy crap but together it looks so clean :O it looks like you modded and made your own little thing
It's weird that it has a simple layout to it, but that it has such a sophisticated feel to it. I like it a lot. =] I think it's way better than the 1 vs 1 maps that we've seen. Only because it doesn't get you clastrophobic. great map and great interlocking. =]
This looks very fun. The map doesn't look too big, but it doesn't look to small either. I bet its perfect for a doubles match.
Thanks guys, that means alot. We played a few games today with Rusty, Orange and a few other folks from FH. It seems pretty much trouble free, its quite easy to get out of the map, although we only had 1 occasion out of about 3 hours playing where that happened, and i just booted him. I recommend playing 2 - 6 player, past that and it turns into a brawl, although it is still very fun, and still requires skills and tactics, not luck of spawn etc. KotH is a really fun gametype for this, Oddball is good but if you go to the bottom floor you can win quick if you can outsmart your opponent(s) If you are playing S.W.A.T, i dont recommend surpassing 4 players, unless its team S.W.A.T I am thinking about adding 2 extra rooms to this map, although it would be hard to accomplish. But anyway thanks for the positive replies. I would also appreciate it if i could get some constructive criticism, this is my third map, and i dont know how else i can improve.
This map looks so cool! Its so clean and the lights shining down on it make it look all holy haha. Definitly downloading! :squirrel_rocking:
Thanks, once the middle and upper level were done, it wasnt so hard. Ah you noticed the shining light? That was partly the reason i placed this map there and not further along. One corner of the map is really light, its cool.