Wow. Great looking map. I love how even it is. The forging is great. I especially like the forging in the default bases of Foundry. Those bunker type things are awesome. Linubidix and thesilencebroken, you guys really outdid yourselves on this map. Queued.
Well, I finally get to post here. Overall, in my opinion, this is the best symmetrical map I have ever seen on forgehub. I am not a huge fan of exact symmetry, but I love this map. The Ghost is perfect, I dont care what anyone says. Plus, you did perfect with the rockets. You either try the epic hard jump, or the slightly time consuming path to get them and if you do slide down to get the camo, BIG DEAL, it happens sometimes. I also never thought that 2 Shotguns on the same map, being so close to the starting points would work out, but its actually great. Its like both teams have one and if they battle each other, one guy gets the extra ammo and it still isnt overpowering. The sniper spawns are great too and they play very well, as long as Vorpal isnt playing,LOL. I even liked all of the gametypes we tested. Even the ones you didnt like Silence. Overall, I give you guys a 10/10. I really saw no problems what so ever. That is definitly no staff butt kissing either, I seriously love the map.
Not exactly my cup of tea, First off I like to point out that the map itself looks great. Nice interlocking/merging. I cant tell that both of you hae put a lot of time in the map itself. But for me, looks outweigh gameplay in this particlar map. Game 1: TS. I went ok at best. I mean, power weapon placement was predictable. Neutral Rockets, Snipes on each side on the high ground. Shottys worked well on the map to my surprise.The ghost was a nice tuch to all those vehicle fanatics out there. But what ruined the game were the spawns. people were spawning in only the 4 corners of the map. And I found myself spawn next to a battle half the time. It wasnt a very enjoayable experience for me. Game 2: 2 flag. Even worse then TS. It was waayyy to easy to run and score. The back wasnt used at all. Apart from spawning back there. The game ended in 3 minutes. Which honestly isnt very immpressive on a map of this stature. After the games the party ended. I was fairly dissapointed by the experience and expected much more from the map. I would rate the map a 7/10. Sorry if I sounded like a dbag but its just my thoughts on the map and the gameplay itself. Which just goes to show dont rate a map just on the looks of it people. *cough* Conker *cough*
Hey I finally played this today and was overwhelmed by the advanced interlocking and geomerging along with the amazing gameplay. I really like how you made it difficult to get to the rocket but once you got up there its not like you took over the game because there were to many directions to get shot from. Also the weapon setup for this map is absolutely perfect in my opinion. I would give this map a 9.8/10
Redeemer didn't start off as my cup of tea, but I have come to love. Not only because of updated weapon placement, but also the way I played the map. Rocket Hallway can be a little overpowering in the right hands, but from the games I've played I've always found a way to overcome it. Territories and KoTH are by far my favorites on this. And by the way, carbine rapes
Not to mention your 51 kills in Team King....... yeah, thats why you like the rocket hall. But still, like I said, best map evar!
Yeah that match was quite ridiculous. Out of the 3-4 matches that was probably the best game. Rusty is a beast i dont even know what u were doing that match. although the game of King of the hill where shadow beat off an entire team of attackers like 2-3 times and kept getting hill time. ridiculous
Shadow is a beast as well, but that's only becuase of his stupid hit box. The King of the Hill game was by far the most fun since everyone was running to and fro. I wouldn't reccomend Team Slayer or Multi Flag, but King of the Hill and Territories are a blast. Linu and Silence I'm not sure what you had originally intended this map to play, but I think you stumbled into some amazing gameplay with KoTH. Very nice job you laggy australian and shotgun *****.
Sadly enough, we were thinking Multiflag the whole time, but as it got closer to the end, it became apparent that it just wasnt happening. King of the Hill isnt my favorite gametype in the world, but I seem to highly enjoy those games on here. Gotta realize that not every map plays every gametype well. I personally like team slayer the best. ...with no BR starts of course.
Wow this is a cool map. i liked the wall merged with the two open boxes on each side for sum reason, it just looks smooth. I also like the bases on each stair/walkway towards the hallways in the back, its very original. and ya, u hav my DL! 4.5/5 from me! excellent job, hope to c more from u! ~BlackhawkO3~
no mind-blowing geomerges, a very classic layout, and a ghost. all things that i very much like in a map. however the no-br-starts is a turn-off for me as many of my friends enjoy adding tactics to a map, and ARs somewhat take away from that tactical advantage IMO(SMGs even more so) with all of the open layout, spawns are going to make or break the map(or already have, i just have not seen it in action yet). regardless of your advice, im going to play a br game on it to see what you mean by those iffy-spawns. oh and lastly- a symetrical map by linubidix?!?!?!? wow(well half by linu, but still a feat =P)
well I must say. This is a defenit DL. This looks like there was though and time put into it and it turned out to be a good map. The bubble shield helps game play be even better. The only bad thing I have to say is that a map should support both AR's and BR's no matter what reason there is to not have one of the two of them. You don't need to place both AR and BR but the map should be fun with both of them. 5/5 though, nice job.
Theres 6 BRs on the map.. if you want one, pick it up. You guys forget oldschool maps like Ivory Tower... That map had ONE freakin battle rifle on it. Play for yourself and you'll see why we ask for no BR starts. Variety and mixing it up is key on this map.
Review: Enjoyment: This map is very enjoyable, in my opinion. I felt like I wanted to keep playing this map all day. Very Fun! The gameplay never got boring, what with getting sniped, or rocketed. Every once in a while I got to jack a ghost. This didn't get too hectic to the point I wanted to smash my controller. Very fun and enjoyable. Balance: This map is perfectly symmetrical. Each team has an equal chance to get each weapon, etc. Also, the spawns are equal and there is no spawn killing/camping. The "power weapons" were set in good places. A power weapon never overpowers an area. There are no underpowered areas either. Such as the hallway at the back would hardly be used, but there is a reward of active camo there. Durability: The map isn't blocked off, so there is no way to escape. Also, there is no way to get on top of anything that you shouldn't be on. Very Durable Map! Aesthetics: Though nothing jumps out at you, this is a good looking map. Everything is done perfectly. There are small touches that make it feel more real. Also, the signs create red and yellow side which helps identify your location. Originality: This map has unique structures. It has a good layout. There are bridges and ramps that make it feel great. It has a unique use of "windows" made out off shield doors and fence walls. It also contains unique use of Foundry's original layout. Mathematical Score: 9.4 Personal Score: 9.6
Bloody hell. I remember when Silence first showed me this. It was epic indeed! I MUST download the full version now. If Linubidix AND Silence made a map TOGETHER, it has to be amazing! Be right back with my map review.
You really need to sit down, relax and have a nice cup of shut the **** up. I'm sick of your bullshit remarks about how "You don't rate any map a 10/10". It is redundant as hell! It is like saying you can't score a 100% on a test because the Mrs. Vagabond automatically deducts X Amount of points. Don't get me wrong your reviews can be constructive but if you know that's the best they can get it because of the limitations and the impossible perfectionism in the video game, Halo 3, why is not it a "10/10" I'd rather hear another "N33dz m04r intrl0xx" than a douche writing spam about how he did not like how somebody's opinions were valued. Be wary, for Sarge euthanizes thy idiots. [/rant] Onto REDEEMER; Redeemer really reminds me of...Well...Nothing. I find that its' simplicity brings something new to Foundry. Everything is squared off to perfection. From weapon placement to geometry, Redeemer has it all. The Ghost reminds me of High Ground in many ways. While the Ghost provides multiple kills it cannot hold up to Redeemer's unique geometry and weapon placement. I cannot wait until the next installment of "The Linu Broken." Cheers.