i am currently using windows Internet explorer 8, and i was thinking about downloading google chrome or FireFox, which one would you choose, or is there a different one you would use?
Firefox. Chrome is faster, and sweet, but doesn't compare to Firefox. All the add-ons and shiznit are just epic. If the only add-on it had was Cooliris, I'd still stick with Firefox.
Ok i was in this position not too long ago, i had IE and thought it was good just the way it is. But then i downloaded Firefox and it was all weird at first, then i got used to it and i wish i would have switched a while back.
Download and try them both. I prefer chrome but use firefox because I can't live without middle click scroll
I'd stick with Firefox considering Chrome is made by a company who makes money by finding out about you.
yea i downloaded firefox on my family computer, and im gonna mess around with different add ons, and if im happy im gonna install it on my laptop.
Firefox all the way, unless you have absolutely zero use for addons. (Which is a lie.) Chrome is nice if you use a lot of webapps, but Firefox has greasemonkey for that...
COUGH http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGkFZFot514 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_nZKJTdjQQ&feature=channel_pageCOUGH
I use: Evernote Foxmarks Google Gears Greasemonkey Read it Later Tabs open relative Tagsifter Textarea Cache WOT
If you use Firefox on a laptop, you need to try out Grab and Drag. It's possibly the greatest thing since the scroll wheel. It works like Adobe Acrobat, as in it's ****ing epic for touchpads.