
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by General C Note, Dec 16, 2007.

  1. General C Note

    General C Note Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Decades ago, one construction company had trouble with their workers' union, when they began to strike. The union wanted higher wages and better sanitary conditions. If both demands could be reached, the company would of prospered. But since the company was already going into debt, the company couldn't reach the wants.

    After years of lawsuits and property foreclosure, the company ended up splitting into two. And both were located right next to each other.

    The city put them together accidentally, and the companies didn't learn the location of each other for some years. And now, in an old factory that seaperates each other, the consisently fight each other for bragging rights.

    Not only does the old factory seperate each other, it contains an old junkyard care masher that the city put in there. It was made to share because the city didn't have the funds so where both companies could have one.

    Car Masher

    Game Description

    This map is for small team-based matches (Hasn't been play-tested, I need some help there.) And the spawns have been created so that FFA is out of the question. I'm not sure if Swarm will work either, but SWAT may work.

    There are two almost identical bases that are directly across from each other, and weapon placement is symmetrical as well. There is a shotgun and sword location (shown in a picture below the description.) They are blocked by shield doors, so grenades are vital use in the beginning. Wire Spools are used to jump above the box with the shotgun to get the sword, and tactical work will be needed to obtain both the shotgun and sword at the beginning.

    On both bases are Battle Rifles, Carbines, Grenades, Flares, and Sniper Rifles.

    Under what I call the car masher, is a rocket laucher. Some good grenade work can get you the rocket laucher very easily. I also made the large fenced object so you can walk on it as well as under it.

    Download Map Here

    Sword Above, Shotgun under.

    Inside one of two bases

    Another look at one of the bases.

    Diagonal View with Car Masher and Base A

    Another view of Sword and Shotgun location.

    Mancannon for those lazy construction workers who don't like walking.

    All Links and Pictures fixed.
  2. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Rivalry- An old fued between Construction Companies.

    Images are not working. And to fix that link make it like this:

    url=http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=15512809]Download Map Here[/url

    Just at a [ at the begining and a ] at the end.
  3. General C Note

    General C Note Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Rivalry- An old fued between Construction Companies.

    I got the hyperlink thing down, I need help with the images. Does photobucket not work here?

    Sorry, I'm new.
  4. TheG0DFATHER489

    TheG0DFATHER489 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Rivalry- An old fued between Construction Companies.

    sounds great but i would love to see the pics Photobucket does work hit the insert image button above the box ur typing in. Copy the direct link from photo bucket and put it inbetween the img](put link here)[/img thing
  5. General C Note

    General C Note Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Rivalry- An old fued between Construction Companies.

    That's exactly what I did. I don't know what's the deal.
  6. TheG0DFATHER489

    TheG0DFATHER489 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Rivalry- An old fued between Construction Companies.

    thts wierd it works perfectly 4 me
  7. Klip LK

    Klip LK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Rivalry- An old fued between Construction Companies.

    The story is great, but the pics are dead :/
    I won't dl till you fix those pics!
  8. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Rivalry- An old fued between Construction Companies.

    I don't use Photobucket but here is how to do it using imageshack.us.

    To Post Pictures

    1. Save the picture onto your computer by right clicking and pressing save as...
    2. Go to http://imageshack.us/.
    3. Once there click Browse.
    4. Search for the saved picture. It'll be where ever you saved it.
    5. Double click the picture to select it.
    6. Press "host it!".
    7. Scroll down once it bring you to the next screen.
    8. Copy everything in the "Hotlink for forums (1)" box.
    9. Paste it in your post.

    Hope that helps. :)
  9. General C Note

    General C Note Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Rivalry- An old fued between Construction Companies.

    I was afraid that would happen. I just don't understand.

    This is how I have it.

    (there aren't really apostrophes.)
    Hmmm.... I wonder if there is a hotlink for forums in Photobucket. I'll check.

    That's right, correct?
  10. General C Note

    General C Note Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Rivalry- An old fued between Construction Companies.

    Fixed all but one, which I'm doing right now. Wohoo!
  11. TheG0DFATHER489

    TheG0DFATHER489 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Rivalry- An old fued between Construction Companies. (Photos Fixed)

    yes the pics are in and it looks better than I thought it would!
  12. General C Note

    General C Note Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Rivalry- An old fued between Construction Companies. (Photos Fixed)

    You thought it would suck cause I'm new? Haha
  13. Lone Deity

    Lone Deity Ancient
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    Re: Rivalry- An old fued between Construction Companies. (Photos Fixed)

    Looks like a nice symmetrical map.
  14. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
    Senior Member

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    Re: Rivalry- An old fued between Construction Companies. (Photos Fixed)

    Congratulations you get the one AJ Review of the day!
    Description: 7 out of 10
    Story (new: only used in ones with stories, like videos): 6.5 out of 7
    Pictures: 9 out of 10
    Links: 3 out of 4
    Overall- 8 out of 10

    You have a good post here. You might want to change the link color, and people in the pictures (while playing the game, not in Forge) would be good.
  15. General C Note

    General C Note Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Rivalry- An old fued between Construction Companies. (Photos Fixed)

    Very fair and nice review. I'll keep it in mind when making another new map.
  16. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Re: Rivalry- An old fued between Construction Companies. (Photos Fixed)

    looks like a great improvement! :) im downloading it now
  17. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Re: Rivalry- An old fued between Construction Companies. (Photos Fixed)

    Bear in mind that the 'AJ Review' is an appraisal of your post, not your map.
  18. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Re: Rivalry- An old fued between Construction Companies. (Photos Fixed)

    still looks like a great map... 8)
  19. General C Note

    General C Note Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Rivalry- An old fued between Construction Companies. (Photos Fixed)

    I know. I didn't say it was a review of the map, did I? I read his post in Forge Discussion about his review. Appraisals is all i need to get downloads for my maps, heh.

    Appreciate that. Making it look pretty is what it is all about. That and actual good gameplay.
  20. TheG0DFATHER489

    TheG0DFATHER489 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Rivalry- An old fued between Construction Companies. (Photos Fixed)

    it actualy sounded great before, but was even better after i saw the pics

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