They go and finally release something we can have some REAL fun with: Sandbawx. I have been calling Bungie out for not having a map like this for a while now, hell since the game's release. I recognized the potential long before Bungie did, hell since day one I wanted to be able to use basic geometrical objects to shape maps the way people did with Counter-Strike. Simplicity is beauty. So why didn't they give us this kind of creative control until now? Personally, I they were sandbagging on Sandbox because they don't like to be outdone, so they limited our creative potential until a convenient and predetermined date..., over a year after Halo 3's release and less than a year before their next title drop maybe? How convenient. That way we couldn't be creating crazy **** and having a blast on our own maps year-round, and in doing so they've forced us to play their vanilla gametypes on their vanilla maps, unless we want to play customs with control freaks who insist upon playing poorly made maps with absurd gametypes.- Now it's not always like that but you've been there and you know what I'm talking about. They obviously didn't want us to enjoy Forge very much, because they have set some very poor examples for us using said Forge. They set bad examples, they limited us, and they've been milking their map releases to make more money from's a shame, really. They knew we wanted this, and they were capable of giving us this since day 1. They need to start acting like they make the big bucks. Shame on Bungie. They're still getting my ten bucks though, Sandbox looks like so much fun. Friggin' jerks...
Not a bungie supporter myself, but it's not Bungie's fault at all. You're looking at the wrong people to blame. It's Microsoft's fault. Bungie gets paid whether they make the Halo 3 experience a nightmare or ****ing awesome. The point is Microsoft has you so well under their thumb you actually believe 'It's Bungie's fault' when it's actually Microsoft's fault. Microsoft calls the shots when it comes to halo 3. They own the franchise. Shame on YOU for being Microsoft's puppet.
If I were in Bungie's position I would have done the exact same thing. They're making money off this, and they probably have one of the most played games of all time. While they do make some stupid decisions in my opinion, business longevity wise they're smart about what they do.
Yeah, I mean who really knows how much Microshit is to blame for all this... I mean Bungie certainly can't be blamed for jumping on their bandwagon, after all the 360 is hands down the best gaming platform out. I know PS3 is a better piece of hardware but Sony has to be super jealous of XBL. I mean we're getting what we paid for. PS3 users are getting crapola. I guess I'll trade some map quality and promptness of delivery for a better online matter how annoying it is. And how many maps is Bungie gonna come out with before they expand our custom content item limit of 100? Now that's some bullshit, and I think we can all agree on that one.
I think it is very naive to say all this stuff about Halo's Forge without really remember how good it is. You say this: That way we couldn't be creating crazy **** and having a blast on our own maps year-round, and in doing so they've forced us to play their vanilla gametypes on their vanilla maps, unless we want to play customs with control freaks who insist upon playing poorly made maps with absurd gametypes.- Now it's not always like that but you've been there and you know what I'm talking about. But what game lets you do this? or this? I think you are overlooking what people have managed through forge. It isn't that constrained... and bungie does care about us. It just takes TIME.
While you may think I'm naive, I'm gonna have to disagree. I've had fun with forge. People do great things with Forge. But Sandbox? It's going to overshadow all of that. By a thousandfold. Bungie should have given us this kind of creative control sooner. But they'll never implement anything good into matchmaking anyway so what's the point... Bungie gave us good things that have the potential to be great. This potential continues to be unrecognized by the game developers themselves and it's a goddamn shame.