Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by CK CUJO, Jan 25, 2009.


Do you like this map?

Poll closed Mar 26, 2009.
  1. Very much so!

    2 vote(s)
  2. Yeah, it's pretty good.

    1 vote(s)
  3. Could use some work.

    1 vote(s)
  4. Waste of time.

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  1. CK CUJO

    CK CUJO Ancient
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    created by CK CUJO

    Gametype Supported: 2 Team KOTH TOWER OF POWER!
    Recommended Players: 8-16

    Primary Path

    For a more thorough look into this game including a back-story of Tower of Power (for those who don't know) and a history of the progress of Sky-WARD! I urge you to read this blog. For a quicker run-down read on.

    Sky-WARD! is meant to be played in the same manner that the original Tower of Power played on Halo 2's Ascension. Though many creative licenses have been taken advantage of, the same basic concepts still carry through. There are two ways to the top of the tower where the hill is located.

    The front way or 'primary path' takes you up the main mancannons, past the turret, and straight to the hill. Though this path is much quicker, it's a sure way to be annihilated unless the turret is un-manned, or manned by your team. The back way or 'secondary path' mancannon takes you to the lowest platform of Sky-WARD! forcing players to fight their way up against shotgun-wielding enemies.

    Secondary Path

    I managed to remove honor rules in regards to players hoarding the turret and ramp-camping by constructing what I call the 'turret trap/ turret limbo':

    'Turret Trap'

    'After much work, I have devised a clever way to keep the turret where it should be with what I call ‘Turret Limbo’. The turret is contained in a special box aimed right at the primary path. Once a player enters the box past the air lift (keeping the player from entering up to the hill again) and past the shield door (preventing the player from asplody-ing the instantly respawning lift with the turret) they are ready to rain destruction on the primary path. The player is now enclosed in a box that is open towards the lift to allow turret fire. In front of the turret is a teleporter that serves two purposes. One, it keeps the gunner from getting close enough to the opening to drop the turret from or throw the turret out the window. Second, it allows for the return of the player to the hill.

    How does the player return to the game without the turret? Simple. The teleporter takes the player to the limbo where they'll be forced to make a decision: Keep the turret and hope they'll make a successful jump to the 'turret trap return' (which won't happen)... or lose the turret to make a successful jump to the teleporter to rejoin their team mates in control of the hill. A very clever design, but also very simple.

    'Turret Limbo'

    (disclaimer: -I have not yet seen this done but I suppose with the thousands of forgers out there someone's thought of it before. So, props to you for thinking of it first, but props to me for never having known otherwise.)' --taken from my blog

    The Basic Rules

    The game starts. Both teams are separated by distance and are placed in front of their respective man cannons to the top, one team at the primary path, one at the secondary path. The starting spawn points are placed so both teams can reach the top of Skyward at the same time, thus allowing the first skirmish of the game to take place at the hill. Respawn points are placed strategically around the map, but mostly on the ground to ensure the constant travel via man cannons and constant scaling of Skyward. These spawn points will usually be found in groups so as to prevent any kind of camping but also allow you to respawn in very close proximity to backup.





    Two additional man cannons on the ground allow for a speedier trip to the primary path, which puts more focus on the 'quick' way up. When players feel lucky, know their team mates are in control of the turret, or are able to get the invis found en-route to the primary path mancannon, it's the perfect setup for a team to regain control of the top. For those who are able to successfully travel the primary path, you will find a ‘safe-zone’ where you can wait for backup so you can drop down on those in control of the hill.



    Hill time can differ based on your preference but the gametype ‘TOP SKY' is by default set to 250 seconds. Default weapons are shotguns, and there are no shields or other weapons.

    -This map has undergone approx. 10 different versions while on my quest to make this game 'honor rules-less".
    - I have another version of the map that doesn't use the teleporters you will find along the primary path. In place of these, I had yet another man cannon to launch players to the safe zone but I found that sometimes this was host/connection dependent. While 95% of the time players had no trouble, the other times they couldn't quite make the jump. So for the time being I replaced this cannon with a teleporter to insure a perfect jump. Expect a Sky-WARD! v.2 with this fixed soon.
    -You may notice some slight differences in some of the pictures posted, and what you'll find in the map. The difference are mostly aesthetic but some were also to allow a better flow while traveling.
    -I have more pics in my file share at and 3 clips so you can see the game in action
    -I'm always looking for more feedback and people to play custom games with!

    Have fun!
    *note- there are several ways to several of the platforms, provided you know how air-lifts work, and know how to jump. Keep your eyes open!


    gametype: TOP SKY
    map: Sky-WARD!

    Please comment!

    #1 CK CUJO, Jan 25, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2009
  2. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
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    looks very good. never got the chance to play TOP in halo2 but my friends would always talk about it, and from the blog it sounds really fun. havent had the time to get a game goin on it but once i tell ny friends about it ill be abls to get a game on it. The map has been forged very well and i love that turret limbo switch thing its awsome. 5/5
  3. MrSpi

    MrSpi Ancient
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    map looks fun never herd of it on h2 but ill give it a try 4/5 i dont see anything wrong with it
  4. CK CUJO

    CK CUJO Ancient
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    more game type downloads than map downloads?

    Thanks for the replies. On another note...

    Not that I'm worried about the few downloads (I'm hoping word of mouth goes a long way on this one) but says the gametype's been downloaded 17 times, but the map itself only 6? does it not update regularly? or are people failing to read the post and forgetting to download both? Hmm...
  5. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    wow, this looks like fun, the first couple of pics look cool, great layout and design, ill DL and check it out.

  6. DRO Maelstrom

    DRO Maelstrom Ancient
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    I've been looking for a ToP map for a long time now. I was thinking about forging one, but had no way to go about it (as I didn't think of what you did). The detachable turret was the main problem, and I didn't think that a warthog was really practical (as it spun 360 degrees, tons of camping could be involved).

    Needless to say, I downloaded this immediately to test (btw, this game doesn't work 1v1, don't try it, I could only get one of my forging buddies in once, so we tried it).

    As far as the routes go, I thought it was a very good map. I found it frustrating to do a bunch of walking down at the bottom, but it wasn't terrible.

    You can escape this map by way of grav lift, but it's an objective game, completely pointless. Good work forseeing that to make use of another gameplay antic.

    With your turret system. It would be fairly sound, except for one thing, you can still get the turret out. I wish I saved a video, but I didn't, so now I have to write. Anyways, if you drop the turret towards the end of the bridge, jump towards the portal and pick up the turret again immediately afterwards, it can get you through the teleporter with it. Kinda hard to pull off, but it was possible.

    Other than that, your system was sound, the mancannon was an unorthodox way of doing it, but it worked fabulously. You prevented camping at the end of the turret trap bridge by making multible bridges as well as having it as objectives. And overall, it was a very well designed base.

    4.5/5 is your total from me, as it isn't entirely sound-proof, but no one found out of my testers except for me.
  7. CK CUJO

    CK CUJO Ancient
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    DRO Maelstrom, thanks for the feedback. It's really helpful when people download the map and come back to let me know what they think. You're more than welcome to help me in my pursuit of a better playing map. Just let me know.

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