King On Hill Created By: BackSwitch & tennislad Download Map Download Gametype Well this is my first week back from taking a break from Halo 3 and I decided to make a maze because that's what I'm good at (for forge). Well I have to admit that i made 2 in 3 days and the first one was way to hard to put on forgehub so i decided to make another one that would be fun, confusing, and most of all it takes a long time to figure it out alone. I had a good time making this and I hope you have a great time beating it! If anyone would like to either get help with the maze or just play customs with me just add me on xbox live (BackSwitch). Wow, I've been here way too many times! Bombs away! Up and Over. Fun Box! Tower of Terror.
I can't quite tell alot from the pics right now but it looks pretty good. I will try it out later today as I have school and get back on if it is cheatable and how easy it is or hard ect. =)
OOOO new puzzle i feel special dont read spoiler if you don't like jokes Spoiler Clips on every wall possible not very amusing for the Asian crowd C'mon i didnt bother to finish it but if your a beginner gj you need more influence but if not c'mon blah < spam_ since its a puzzle ill tell you how good your aesthetics are first room see you have that nice wall floating there preventing you from jumping across nicely merged and the double boxes on other side of map nicely merged together and the gravity lifts nicely spawned on the map for some apparent reason c'mon is not a word HMMM 2/5 good luck in the future mr puzzle creator how many levels are actually in this puzzle? and how long did you take to make it? is there any new puzzles you made up you two's selves < new word
Edit: Quote removed to spare "Jokes". Wow, you managed to fit Racism, Ignorance, Laziness, Insults, Spam and Irrelevance all into one extremely unhelpful post dontknowme42. You even managed to squeeze in a quip about interlocking, on a puzzle map no less! (Which I've just learnt apparently requires aesthetics. Yeah puzzles are known for their looks, that latest Sudoku game on the 360 has the best graphics to date!) I'll take a look at your puzzle map BackSwitch and try to actually provide some constructive criticism for you.
c'mon buddha i was just messing around ill give real critisism once i beat it i was just giving the basics and the aesthetics part was a joke
I'm not a harsh mistress, I was just hoping it would make you reflect on your posting, erm, "Style". Especially considering your current, erm, "Status". BackSwitch is clearly a newish member and it was hardly sending out the right tone. Provided you do actually provide some "Real" critcism in the not too distant future then I wont be forced to hunt down on you and feed you lions. (I think that's what they say)