
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Tydo, Jan 31, 2009.

  1. Tydo

    Tydo Ancient
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    [COLOR=#00e0][COLOR=#00e0]Created By:[/COLOR][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#00e0][COLOR=#00e0]Lanky Frank, Spazmonkey92 and Im a berk:[/COLOR][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#00e0]Lankyspazgina is an experimental map on Avalanche using the man-cannons in a game named joust.[/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#00e0][COLOR=#00e0][COLOR=#00e0][COLOR=#00e0]Objective: Kill everyone else while defying gravity[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=#00e0][COLOR=#00e0][COLOR=#00e0]​

    [COLOR=#00e0]Description: The game is pretty simple, you’re stuck on one of the sets of man-cannons and you’re trying to stick everyone or assassinate them. The map is very simple as this only a beta to see how the community likes the game; if it is liked we will make a perfectly clean and unbreakable V2


  2. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Wait, I don't get this. So how does the map work?

    From the looks of it, I assume that you are sent flying off of the mancannons, but are held in midair, inside of the hill, because of the boxes placed there. Then when you fall back down you go over to the lift in a never-ending cycle?
  3. Bl4ckhawk

    Bl4ckhawk Ancient
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    This seems like a cool idea, i think u just might have to make the V2, I'd like to c for myself how that would turn out...Did u get my message i sent you today?
  4. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    you can only stick them inside of the hill. you only regenerate the grenades inside the hill. and you only get points inside the hill.
  5. Tydo

    Tydo Ancient
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    Yes, indeed sir and if we get more comments like we'll make one. Please try it out. Ill add you in a minute
  6. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
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    If this is the second version of I FLY HIGH from Narrows, ill def. DL.What's the stack of boxes for?
  7. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    I can't help but giggle at the fact that the map name ends in "Gina" LOLZ!

    Back to the map. This is a neat new idea, however it looks kinda like you did what DeathToll did on his Avalanche map. You made a beta like version to see if anybody liked it before you made the neat awesome version, right?

    Well it looks awesome! I'll make sure to download, but if two people colide then won't they fall out of the hill? Is that the idea? Please include more description and more interlox NAO!

    Make another version with color coded, interlocked, and possibly geomerged boxes on that box wall thing. Wouldn't that look neat!? Although this is just a mini game map, throw in some aesthetics! I know you have more of a budget on Avalanche to make more then this!

    3/5 for now just because it isn't all neat and tidy, but the idea is great!

    5/5 if you interlocked the box wall, geomerged the box wall, and color coded the box wall. Also improve the post!
  8. Tydo

    Tydo Ancient
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    It;s similar, only the point is too stick people unlike that one were you control the hill. The boxes knock you down into the man cannons
  9. Cydronix

    Cydronix Ancient
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    It is not too great, it really was an idea used before on narrows, so I would have to give you a 3/5 due to lack of originality.
  10. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    I really agree with all the other people who posted. How exactly does this work? I know you have explained it already, but we can't understand it because the explanation is too short and the font is not good. Try to make your explanation a bit more detailed when you make a v2.

    As for the game itself, it looks very very interesting. Sticking and Assassinating people while in mid-air---that sounds very fun. I hope you come up with a v2 soon because I wanna know more!
  11. Inactive user 452356

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    This map is kinda confusing...maybe try to explain a bit more? It's some from a KOTH, that's for sure. And can't people just break out of the map?
  12. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    well based on your responses we will most likly makw a V2 in the near future but we would like some comments about the gameplay itself to see what all of you think. there are still a few problems with this map but thats just because its a beta. also the game is rather simple. everybody at the start spawns in the mancannons and will do so for the rest of the game. to earn points you must kill someone in the hill by either sticking them or assassinating them. we also stopped people from camping because if someone falls out of the hill i bet your thinking they can just throw grenades into the cannons forever but no they cant because you must be in the hill for the grenades to regenerate and theres no place where you can stand on the ground to do that. i hope that clears up a few questions
  13. Cheeeeese

    Cheeeeese Ancient
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    Allow me to explain, you see it all started when me, Berk & Grass were on Narrows sticking each-other on the cannon men...

    After 100000000,000000000 Splatters (Yeah, it's loads I know) with mongooses, Spaz and Berk thought it would be awsome if you could do the same on Avalanche.

    I thought ahh **** it it's gonna suck anyway and can I just say guys you've proven me wrong!
  14. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    lol cheese i think you may have overshot the amount of splatters that we got and also you forgot to say spaz was there aswell. me and spaz also tried it at both mancannons but the one at the base worked well then lanky frank came along saw what we had done just for fun and the said this could be turned into a game type so westarted to make it all work out and now we have this which i hope everyone who dls it enjoys it
  15. TripleO8

    TripleO8 Ancient
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    Haha, i was here while you built this :p i was the guy that got stuck and no1 would help me. lol I get how it works:) and its fun. lol :) (Y) It works because you keep getting shot back and forwards on the mancanoon thingss.
  16. Leoparddude

    Leoparddude Ancient
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    You definately should make a V2, I love the idea. But I dont get how the spawning would work on this? Because multiple people cant spawn on the lift at once. So there would be a major honor rule. I'll be sure to subscribe to this thread for when the next version comes out!
  17. BboyLeon

    BboyLeon Ancient
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    suggestion : If you havent already, make different types of kills worth a certain amount of points

    for example if you put starting weapons as laser and sniper...

    Laser = 1 point
    Sniper = 2 points
    Stick = 5 to 10 points
    Beatdown = 1 point
    Assassination = 2 points

    Just a suggestion because if sticking and beating down were the only ways to kill, then i think sticking would be really hard unless you slam into each other all the time, PLUS you can fall to the ground if you hit someone can't you?.. what happens when you fall? does the hill extend to the ground? Do you have to WALK back to a mancannon?

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