
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Metzelda, Feb 1, 2009.

  1. Metzelda

    Metzelda Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The Hallway

    The hallway is Designed for close combat using highly powerful weapons
    Plasma Grenades: 16 per side
    Spike Grenades: 16 per side
    Firebomb Grenades: 4 per side
    Plasma Cannons: 1 per side
    Flame thrower: 1 in the middle
    Bubble Shields: Randomly Placed
    Deployable Covers: Randomly Placed
    Energy Swords: 1 per side
    Gravity Hammers: 1 per side
    Rocket Launchers: 2 per side
    you will see explosions fly every second and prepare to die quite often.

    Download Hallway: Hallway
    Download Hallwars: Hallwars
  2. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I don't get it. Is it just a long hallway? If it is, I would suggest adding more around the map. Also you have way too many power weapons and grenades for this kind of map. I would suggest planning out and thinking about your map a lot more before you post it. Ask yourself these questions... What sets my map apart from others? What makes it unique? Did I use good forging? Does it produce good gameplay? Is it fair? Ask yourself these questions and you can start making better maps.
    EDIT* Also, this sort if thing should be posted in Casual Maps as this clearly isn't competitive
    Yay! First Post!
  3. Himself

    Himself Ancient
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    Um... wow, where do I start. The spawn killing must be fantastic, and as for the originality, there is none. 1/5. Sorry.

    Edit: After analyzing your picture, I think I may have noticed a room at the end of the hallway. If there is a room behind your player as well, then this looks like maybe an ok symmetrical map. Although I do have one suggestion. Place shield doors in front of the rooms to prevent relentless spawnkilling. Sorry I missed these features in my first post. 3/5.
    #3 Himself, Feb 1, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2009
  4. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    wow,just wow. this isnt up to standerds. all you did was put a couple of open boxes next to each other. there are far to many power weopons and grenades. why exactly did you even post this? to show everyone that you have no forging talent what so ever. I sorry to say but my little sister could build a better map. 0/5
  5. ShadowVanish

    ShadowVanish Ancient
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    Only one picture? Are you for real? From that one picture it looks like it uses no Forge techniques at all. Not even something as simple as floating. No one will download this after seeing this thread.
  6. Spartan 396

    Spartan 396 Ancient
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    Did you not even think about this map before you made it? The weapon selection is terrible and the layout is extremely bland.

    You could of at least interlocked to try and get your already simplistic layout somewhat better.

    This map is seriously a waste of HDD space. 0/5 because you put no effort into it.
  7. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    You should check out some forging tips. But this looks like a map that one of my friends would like, not becausee of the forging skills but because of how crazy and hectic thelis woulsd be. If you haven't practiced forging yet then you might want to practice before you post on forgeuub.
  8. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    what incentive have you given for me to download this? none
    why do you post a map that has no originality and has no chance of being downloaded? i have no idea. :\
  9. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Not very original, i would suggest spending more time on maps because people could make this map theirselves in like 5 minutes, with interlocking, and more original. Meaning I really do not think any one is going to download this.

    Spawn killing is an issue
    lag is an issue
    power weapons is an issue..
  10. SpEcTaCuLar Ra

    SpEcTaCuLar Ra Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I cant take this anymore with these type of maps. No offense but i dont see anything that is good on this map and only one picture is not going to do it. You need more to the map and provide better forging with a good description of the map.
  11. spectraltravis

    spectraltravis Ancient
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    you know a map doesnt have to be this big fantastic well thought out thing sometimes it can be simple like this one if he does something with the spawn killing issue then it looks like it could be tons of fun not competitive playing but the chance it get a killamanjaro for the fun of it isnt that what the blue room on snowbound is just a hallway with weapons in it
  12. EGP

    EGP Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Honestly I would rather play on the blue room.
    Basically I see this as spam, I dont really think anyone is going to download this plus it took him 5 minutes to make. This really doesnt fall under the "simple map" category it falls under the "picture of three boxes with weapons inside: category.
  13. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    Uhh this doesn't even LOOK like a map. WAY to many power weapons (rockets, swords, hammers etc.) and it looks like you threw random open boxes everywhere. You DEFINITELY need to check out the forging 101 section. Put more effort into your maps. Don't just throw things of the ground and post it here thinking you'll get downloads.

    No effort. No originality. Gameplay would SUCK on this map. I don't mean to sound harsh but 0/5
  14. The Number 0000

    The Number 0000 Ancient
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    This must have at least taken ten minutes to make. There is one picture? Are you serious? I recommend putting a lot more thought and time into your maps before posting them, and perhaps learning some of the Forging 101 techniques?

    It probably took you ten minutes to make this. I highly recommend you put more thought and time into your maps, or else your maps will not be successful. This map looks like it was thrown together. I also recommend learning some of the Forging 101 techniques, to improve your future maps further.

    You coulc have at least put a little more time and thought into your map, and as said above there are far too many power weapons on this map, even for map that is designed with power weapons in mind. Put a little more effort in next time. 0/5
    #14 The Number 0000, Feb 1, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2009
  15. spazmonkey92

    spazmonkey92 Ancient
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    bla bla bla generic comments!

    1. this isnt up to forgehub standards and staff will rape you.
    2. spawn killing is for n00bs.
    3.NO forging skills WHATSOEVER
    4.is this a joke?
    5.dont rate your own map a 5*. again n00bish
    6.my dead gran could do better.
    7. go to forging 101 on forgehub and look around.
    8. look at other maps to see what you could copy.

    well done retard
  16. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    wow this is just completly awful. there is no creativity what so ever. REALLY ITS ONLY A HAL WAT WERE YOU ON WHILE YOU WERE MAKING THIS BY ANY CHANCE DID YOU SEE MULTICOLORED LIGHTS AND FEEL GOOD ABOUT LIFE if so you were high and that would be a reasonable explanation for this -5/5
  17. Black Magic105

    Black Magic105 Ancient
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    I am sorry but yeah you need a better map interlock stuff take out highly powerful weapons and yeah i give this map a uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 0/5 it sucks sorry
  18. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
    Senior Member

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    4 open boxes, a couple of spawns and a **** load of power weapons, thats a disgrace, the map has no originality of playability and it would be the most boring map ever 0.5/5
    im not even going to dl because im afraid it will wreck all that ive lived up to with top of the line maps from around the internet on my biweekly lan parties.
  19. IVIercinator

    IVIercinator Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is exactly the kind of map we hubbers hate. Every power weapon on the map piled into one small room with random and /or no spawns. The spawn killing would be immense and just plain annoying. As for advice, take alook at other maps and the Forging 101 section of the site.
  20. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Whoa. WOW. Everyone lets take a minute and think about what is being said. He took the time to make the post, put the pictures up, and you still chew him out? The ONLY reason I'd hope I'd ever see any agitation towards a post is if it isn't up to standards. But you guys are bashing him about his map? Ask yourselves, all of you, when you made your first map. I'm sure it wasn't amazing, it may not have been good at all, but it was still your map. Perhaps this person is a fan of Tunnel Raid yes? Perhaps he enjoys hectic battles and hapless bodies flying about in an inferno of carnage? I do, I remember Tunnel Raid. Yet still all of you feel the need to attack him. Why? What has he done so terribly wrong besides not appealing to your standards? Absolutely nothing.

    Actually maybe you guys are right. Maybe we should berate every new member that posts a map you don't like.

    Seriously, think about what you guys say before you post it. I've read all the above comments and it makes me sick, grow up.

    Metzelda, hopefully you weren't put off by this brilliant display of idiocy and will come to love forgehub. I can assure you this is the finest establishment boasting tutorials, testing, and feedback for maps. Welcome to forgehub.

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