NO MERCY: BY JAKOB HUNTER As the name implies this map is based off of the multiplayer masterpiece Left 4 Deads campaign No Mercy. The map is set in the middle of an affected city in the zombie apocalypse and you are a survivor. To survive for the whole 20 minutes you must stay on the move becaause ammo is low and zombies are tough. On the roof of Mercy Hospital there is a bunker with good weapons and a turret and along the way there are some two. __________________________________________________________________ Now before tossing this under all the other attemps of making a left 4 dead map there are many things that this map has that makes it worth the download. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- First is the use of randomly spawning weapons and equipment. So just like in the game the weapons spawn randomly as do the equipment but due to forge limlits they all spawn in 180 seconds. Even the turrets in the bunkers spawn randomly however the weapons by the human spawns and in the rooftop bunker allways spawn from start but never respawn. The way to do this was discovered by AZN FTW in this thread so dont give me the credit for that! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Second is the great asthetics of the map. The maps aithetics might actually make you feel like you are in a zombie infested city with one shot at survival. The map uses just about all advanced forging methods and has a great feel to it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Third is the layout. Now even though it is not a full scale replica of No Mercy it does kinda resemble it in a smooshed together fun-sized way. I mean it has just about every part of the no mercy campaign in it from the small buildings to the main road to the ware house and subway to the hospital what more could you want? It isnt just a bunch of geo merged and interlocked boxes put together and called a zombie infested city. _______________________________________________________________ Weapons and equipment: everything on this list randomly spawns except flame thrower. -sniper rifles -shotguns -battlerifles -magnums -assault rifles -smgs (three hidden ones on the map) -power drains -grav lifts -flares -frag nades -fire bombs -propain tanks -machine gun turrets -trip mines -flame thrower (only one hidden on map(look for clue to position) ) _______________________________________________________________ The game type: For this map to work you only need to change a few settings to the ordanary infection game. Humans- start with magnums have 200 gravity -shields respawn 10% really slow -have 3x overshields and 150-200 health -run at 90 speed Zombies- have 50-70 gravity -never have a gravity hammer ever! -have 2x overshields and 150 health -move at 150 speed _________________________________________________________________ Now for the only part most of you will look at the pictures! overview 1 overview 2 Mercy Hospital humans spawn inside this building the other small buildings the top alley ways behind Mercy inside warehouse Closets back halls subway track Broken escalator bunker ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Another thing is there is two separate ways to get to the warehouse. #1 is to just take the subway while #2 is to activate the crane lift (grav lift) taking you to the top alley ways. fusion coil switch once activated never turns off ----------------------------------------------------------------------- once all the weapons on the map spawn a soccer ball spawns to tell you that. see it? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- there are two messages on the walls of this map one is aclue to a special weapon. run! HELL ___________________________________________________________________________ Download Game Download Map THANKYOU FOR VIEWING Want to see this map featured? Click Here
looks fun and resembles the map i will dl soon because my custum content is full but by the looks of it great map and i think the clue doesent give much away can you tell me in a message wat it means ????? (4.5/5) edit: first post woot
the maps actual layout looks really good, but it the forging is pretty sloppy. especially with set of stairs geomerged into the ground. i would suggest making a v2 and cleaning it up a little bit
i think that you need to merg the walss better together and not have ledges showing on the outside of the building and maybe make a central building oh and fix the bridge other then that its really nice 3.5/5
i will conside that in the v2 but the bridge (if your thinking of the one on the roofs) is kind not supposed to be interlock or anything because it was set down by people to get across the ledge its not part of the building. but in the v2 i will fix these things
Although I am a bit confused at why in the actualy game Left 4 Dead, the humans spawn on the roof of a building. But in your remake they spawn inside a building... I reccommend that next time you make a remake of a map from another game, you play the game first and look at all the main points in the map. If you were afraid of the humans just hopping off the building you could have increased the hight of the edges around the building along with the gravity of the humans. The humans don't jump very high in Left 4 Dead. But back to the map itself. It has a very great idea to it and I would give you a 5/5 if not for Manifest. Manifest has proven that you can add teamwork and skill to an infection map. I also realize that, yes, you do have humans at 200% gravity but then why isn't this exactly like No Mercy? The reason that I compared this to Manifest is because that map plays exactly like Left 4 Dead, and the forging techniques used in the map are marvellous. However when I look at this map, it seems to open, not enough scenery, and just in case you haven't noticed... the subway tracks are dug into the ground, not above it. Seeing as you used AZN FTW's technique, you haven't been working on this map for that long. You have to spend more time when making the v2. The idea is kind of good, but it just doesn't resemble Left 4 Dead. Now that I think about it. No Mercy doesn't even have subway tracks in it... what were you thinking? 3/5 due to being a remake but not a remake, for not spending time on it and the consumers being able to tell by how it looks, but the 3 comes from the fact that you tried. This is only a grade for now, as I have not rated your thread this yet I will play it first and then decide.
Thank you for the advice and yes im working on the v2 already. i already took out the subway tracks and made the humans spawn on the rooftops i have also cut back on camping spots and added lots more scenery thanks for the advice and constructive critisizem i really like that. What someone said about the stairs not being strait i finally fixed that and it is perfect so it looks really nice now. But what you said about how long it took me to make i saw dynamo last weekend and have been working on this 2-6 hours a day since so it shouldnt be to sloppy. but the v2 will be ready in a few days for posting i just had it play tested. A friend and i are working on a Left 4 Dead mappack together now so i hope it all turns out good.
Hey jakob whats up? I remember playing this with you and watching you forge it and fix it up, good interlocking and people when you all say its sloppy maybe its supposed to be like that because its a abandoned city? just like L4D there is junk lying around and trash, so I think it resembles L4D fairly well. the only thing is the zombies seem too strong. Very good map though I love all the diffrent forging methods used. 4.7/5