Existence Created by- LiL L1N0 Hello to all Forgehub members, This is my first post on forgehub so please bare with me. Description- This map is played on the right half side of Foundry. It is developed for most objective gametypes. Supported game types -Slayer -CTF -KOTH -Assualt Number of players 4-6 Pictures I know some people don't like the tear drops on the objects, but i only noticed them after i posted the pix...sorry =P Overview Blue Base This base gives of height and some cover. Players on this side have a disadvantage of a more open harm from grenades. Red Base Red base has minimal cover on the top, but underneath the bridges is a small hideout where the the flag and bomb spawn Rockets Spawn Shotty Spawn Sniper Spawn Download Existence: Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
your last two pics are the same. looks like a good map. i really like the b base and all the interlocking and geomerging is very smooth. Queued. I'll play a few games later.
While I enjoy what you've done, by keeping the basic premise as simple as you can, the whole map feels really very small. As well as this, blue base appears to have an advantage, but maybe it evens out in gameplay. Liking: The layout, the weapon placement, and the simplistic design. Disliking: Possible advantages over another side. The size, to a degree.