Resident Evil Infection Map

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by nickyjefferz, Mar 8, 2008.

  1. nickyjefferz

    nickyjefferz Ancient
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    Infection MK2


    Take a look, im sure you will like,

    Now Fixed Minor Flaws

    Thank you all for feedback, i have now replyed to any questions about screenshots / map as a comment, please read before dismissing this map; cheers....Nick

    important note: without gametype, humans will be vastly over powered, and zombies will find entering the base easy...this map was always designed with the gametype in mind... by all means download for the aesthetics of the map....but to be played properly, try the gametype...and it will make the whole game far more intresting

    Screen Shots

    [img width=330 height=230][/img][img width=330 height=230][/img][img width=330 height=230][/img][img width=330 height=230][/img][img width=330 height=230][/img][img width=330 height=230][/img][img width=330 height=230][/img][img width=330 height=230][/img][img width=330 height=230][/img][img width=330 height=230][/img][img width=330 height=230][/img][img width=330 height=230][/img]
    [img width=330 height=230][/img][img width=330 height=230][/img]
    #1 nickyjefferz, Mar 8, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2008
  2. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    I was making a resident evil map that also was like this, looks like you beat me to the punch.
  3. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    this could have been a whole lot better and i don't like your power weapon armory i like armorys that have decent weapons maybe you should spread some of those power weapons out through the map.
  4. abixenator

    abixenator Ancient
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    Did I really just see two fuel rod guns, which are already rather powerful, rockets, a sword and 3 snipers within two screenshots?

    There's a difference between enough and too many weapons.

    Once again, a problem with Infection games and maps is balance of power.

    Fix the weapons.
  5. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    This map looks very well made. That is the map but the weapon and equipment placement looks rather unfair. I can see the deployable cover is instant respawn and I bet the fire nades are too. I am working on a map like this but it is were there is a gun stash but it is small and the weapons don't respawn so the humans have to fall back by getting past obstacles while defending themselves from the Zombies which are quite strong so you have to work as a team to take the Zombies down. Some of things I mentioned would make this map a lot more fun. Consider these ideas.
  6. ToochieHxC

    ToochieHxC Ancient
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    chaotic, me likey :D
  7. nickyjefferz

    nickyjefferz Ancient
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    :) well cheers for all the support and constructive criticism...

    Just to defend my map, there is a note in the description about using the gametype but ill just explain the map quickly as I see it.

    First off I have played this with large groups of friends, and that’s why it is mrk2, and it is fair and equal, I always have that in mind whenever I create any map. ( I hate people who camp or just wait for the zombies to run into them)

    The main thing I try to design is that I want people to think and be creative when they play....that’s why if you think about it there is a second way into the base in which you can come up behind the humans who should have no radar and thus become trapped; unless they again use intelligence and don't back themselves into a corner like most people do, and as for the huge turret, its slow and zombies are fast, and that’s why there is a lot of cover between the spawn point and the base.

    As for most peoples point, yes there is a lot of weapons in the armoury, but that’s the point, you will most likely be killed by a zombie or followed in, before you even get there, and if you what? even if a human has a fuel rod gun or a rocket launcher, you can still outsmart the human easily, its not about mindlessly killing hundreds of humans or zombies like most maps are, its about out smarting each other, and its not about camping either, most rooms in the base are easy to get into fast, and humans without radar.....well that’s just scary.

    Honestly play any infection map without radar....when you hear the zombies either talking to themselves or when they jump round the corner or assassinate you....damn it scares the **** out of you. (trust me on that :)

    Yes the stairs are supposed to be manned, (throw constant fire grenades and it instantly shuts off the stairs, but while you are nading the stairs the zombies can push a barrel against the wall of the ramp and come up behind you) same goes with shooting through the 3rd floor at the 2nd floor, but like I said most people don’t do that , they just run around and try and get a zombie genocide, and fail.

    But yes the map can and is sometimes chaotic, but like any infection map, its always hard at the start, but then the zombies grow in numbers and destroy all. But yes team work is important.

    Ps. If it dose get to a point where someone is camping or the game seems hard there is a poorly hidden active camo outside the base that’s on a low respawn that should only be used in an emergency.
    And personally my favourite part of the map is the escape hatch, damn that’s fun to jump down to…

    Anyway, if you do have any ideas about making the map better, or if you do create a better version, please post as I do like to see different, often improved versions of maps.

    Long post, but cheers if you downloaded the map....Nick
  8. American10

    American10 Ancient
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    Looks fun but take out or spread out the weapons.

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