Well, I've been told not to do it but my 360 seems to be having trouble reading disks. You see, no matter how clean any disk is, the console doesn't know when I put a disk in the disk tray. It will always read a game eventually, but I have to go through 10 or so minutes of opening and closing the tray. So, I was wondering if there is anyone who has put Halo 3 onto their hard drive before. If so, just how slowed are the load times? How much memory does it take up? And does anybody know if this will really even bypass the problem?
You still need the disc in the tray to run it, won't bypass it... try getting a lens cleaning disc. That might clean the insides of your xbox and won't void anything you may have...
I haven't myself done this, however I've heard that it actually loads faster despite what Bungie says. Just try it for yourself and see, it's not like it is a permanent process.
does anyone remember the big-ass sign that said "DO NOT DOWNLOAD HALO3 TO YOUR HARD DRIVE OR IT WILL CAUSE SLOW, AND LAGGY PERFORMANCE."?
That my friend, was spam. YOU seem to be doing that a lot lately. What felipe is saying is that his disk is scratched anyway, and sometimes it won't start. He doesn't mind the slow loading times as long the game works. He's asking if it is really that big of a deal, or if it is only moderately slower.
Ok, see here's the joke. I know Bungie says the load out times will be slower for matchmaking and not to save it to your hardrive, but they aren't really slow if you look at a different perspective. With all the warnings they have given me about not doing it, I did it the first day we were given the option. Now think about it this way, how many times have you gone into matchmaking and had to sit there, and wait for somebody to slowly load a map because their disk is scratched? It's happened a ton of times to me and it just pisses me off. It takes forever and then half the time it just changes the map. I personally think if everyone saved the game to their hardrives load out times in matchmaking would be faster because people wouldn't have to wait for others with scratched discs. The bigger joke behind it all: If saving the game to the hard drive is sooooo bad shouldn't Bungie be shipping everyone a different copy of Halo 3 disc with the DLC maps on it since they are saved on our hardrive? They know they can't cause they will loose money in shipping costs and it isn't worth it if the player has to supposedly wait a couple seconds more. The way I see it, half the maps people use are dlc maps, which are already saved to your hard drive and their load times are not bad at all, so I would and already have. IT's up to you though. Your choice. Trust me, killing your xbox's disc reader is not worth it. Just Do It. Hope that ranting helped. - Toxic Spade
Toxic, I'm not going to argue with you, because I know you're wrong. Zander, the problem is with his disk drive, not the disk itself. to the OP, it's going to get worse... You've gotta do something about it, it's how my first box died.
See if you can revert the upload. That way just try it and if it doesn't fix the problem you can undo it and no harm is done.
Well, I tried doing it, but my disk is too scratched. Remember, the scrached disk isn't the problem though. The 360 won't read any disks. I suppose I'll just have to get the console fixed if it gets any worse. Thanks for all of the help though, everyone.