MLG Stronghold

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by oII OREO IIo, Jan 30, 2009.

  1. oII OREO IIo

    oII OREO IIo Ancient
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    [​IMG]Gametypes supported: MLG Capture the Flag, MLG Team Slayer, MLG Oddball, and MLG King of the Hill. (Not intended for FFA and not recommended for MLG Oddball or MLG King of the HILL)
    Map: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
    Weapons: 9 Battle Rifles (10 second spawn), 1 Sniper Rifle (120 second spawn), 1 Rocket Launcher (150 second spawn), 7 Covenant Carbines (90 second spawn), 1 Custom Power-up (120 second spawn), 10 Frag Grenades (30 second spawn), and 6 Plasma Grenades (30 second spawn)

    MLG Stronghold
    This map is a map similar to MLG Onslaught and MLG Amplified in the way that it is an arena. However, the big difference is that this map has power weapons.
    The call outs to this map would be RED BASE, BLUE BASE, RED A 1, RED A 2, RED A RAMP, RED B 1, RED B 2, RED FRONT(YARD), S(NIPER) 1, S 2, S 3, BOTTOM MID(ROCKETS), TOP MID, GOLD 3, GOLD 2, GOLD 1, BLUE A 1, BLUE A 2, BLUE A RAMP, BLUE B 1, BLUE B 2, and BLUE FRONT(YARD). Rocket Launcher is at Bottom Mid, Sniper Rifle is on S3, and Custom Power Up is at Gold 1.
    One team starts at red base and the other team starts as blue base. When you spawn you c[​IMG]an see across to the other base. Rockets are directly in the middle of the map on the bottom in eyesight of the starting spawns. A difficult map to use sniper rifle on but that's good, it provides a challenge. You can play MLG FLAG, SLAYER, KING, or ODDBALL on this. I made it specifically for flag and slayer though. I will want feedback on this on ways to improve it. I interlocked objects into other objects and I also put objects into FOUNDRY walls and floors. This map took me hours on end. People I tried this map out with loved it and now i'm going to introduce it to the bungie community. MLG players, get ready for a new exciting forged MLG map that plays MLG MULTI FLAG like a god (Which is by the way, my own opinion). Once again.. this is v1. Plenty of feedback, comments, suggestions, etc will be appreciated. I will fix screw ups and i will fix flaws. Thank you.[​IMG]

    This is a view from GOLD 3 to TOP MID and S3.

    Looking from GOLD 3 to RED A1, RED A2, and RED BASE.

    Looking at GOLD 1, GOLD 2, and, GOLD 3. Custom Power Up is in the open single boxes you see that act as the floors of GOLD 2.

    Looking at BLUE BASE from TOP MID.

    Looking at RED BASE from TOP MID.

    From S3 down past TOP MID continuing down to GOLD 3.

    Weird angle looking at S1 and S2.

    The blue guy is hopping down from S3 onto S2 and falling towards BLUE A1. He is shooting at a red guy that looks like he is turning towards BOTTOM MID which is where rockets are located. The red guy must run through BLUE FRONT(YARD) in order to reach BOTTOM MID.

    This is pretty much what it will look like 3 seconds into the game. (This pic is taken during 2v2 MLG TEAM SLAYER) That is me charging rockets at BOTTOM MID while grenading over to BLUE BASE from RED BASE.

  2. Cydronix

    Cydronix Ancient
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    This map is so-so, I like the bases and the layout, but some objects aren't exactly straight, like the bridges, you may want to fix that on a v2, otherwise nice layout.

  3. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    This is an okay MLG map. It is however very complicated. You should spawn in your base and immediately be able to traverse the map by a quick glance around. I feel like this maps tall structures and multiple floors can make this map very difficult to play on in a competitive game like MLG. I am impressed as this map really does stand out as different than both onslaught and Amplified. you incorporated this very well. Most maps are almost duplicates of Amplified built with a canvas of onslaught's wall. This is understandable to a point because there is not much room for variation. When I see an map like this that has the same concept as Both of them but it plays with much versatility because of weapon placement and map geometry.

    Some more personal beliefs in this map is that the rocket needs to be replaced with a mauler. If a player got to the top walkway by the barriers with the rockets it would be a slaughterhouse. Or at least until the guy with rockets is eliminated. With a mauler, a player on the high ground would not be able to do any damage to a person on lower levels. Also the mauler would not be able to kill any opposition from the centerpiece like a rocket launcher might do.

    The symmetrical wall corners in the second corner could be merged into the ground slightly so that people can use it for cover but it won,t completely block off people from shooting an opponent. Also if you merged it low enough so that people could jump over it with no problem it would really enhance the flow of gameplay on this map. the open double boxes should all be slightly merged into the ground as to avoid that small bump when a person walks inside of it. And one more flaw in geometry is on the top walkway the bridge should be turned upside down as to avoid any bumps there.

    Overall: It is one impressive MLG map.... but it is no V6 map. (4/5)
  4. oII OREO IIo

    oII OREO IIo Ancient
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    I know this map has lots of jumps. I ran out of money and ramps for some reason are the hardest thing for me to do. I've started a new MLG map. There are more ramps and more BR lines of sight.

    D SCHNEID Ancient
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    Good but I didn't test yet

    I think this is a great map, however I did not get a chance to play 4v4. If you wouldn't mind mabe you should put a overshield and a camo to create a purple tower at the sniper rifle, unless you wanted it to be called the snipe tower. That's fine too. Just amplified had a purple and yellow so I was curious if you were going for onslaught or amplified. I disagree with the first comment, I think this could be a V6 map.
  6. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    i really dig this layout but some of it is kinda hastily put together maybe re do you center bridge ans fix some of the walls a bit more but other than that good job man 3.5/5 for me.
  7. just defy

    just defy Ancient
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    teh only thing that u should rlly take from a previous existing map would most likely be the wall... u took the semetrical cranes and the ENTIRE LAYOUT maybe some other things aswell 3/5
  8. oII OREO IIo

    oII OREO IIo Ancient
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    umm, may i ask how it looks anything close to the layout of onslaught or amplified? it doesn't... at all.
  9. i can forge

    i can forge Ancient
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    this map feels like if u combined MLG amplified with MLG onslaught, which is pretty cool in my mind so ya good job i will dl and test out the gameplay affect

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