Imagine if KOTOR had a baby with halo and they took the lightsabers out for kicks. Then add in the ability to scout throguh a huge amount of planets...including ashifty looking cow that steal yours money. Along wiht some cool tactical powers and there ya go...oh yeah throw in some really cool cutscenes(altho more ship combat would have been nice) and a less than sincere ship pilot. There ya go
As far as an RPG goes, I've read that Mass Effect was amazing. The storyline, the gameplay, everything. I however don't quite believe many games are worth $60 even if they are amazing.
damn you americans and your governament assisted economy! Lol over here we get new xbox games for like 70 euros(thatd be around 80 dollors or somehting)...well if you buy them brand new...which no one does....unless theyre idiots.... God bless gamestop and their awesome ability to buy back any game...even if you dont have the box theylll give you something for it XD in the words of a yankee/british comedian "i have friends in britain who would push a nun over to pay that price!"
Psh, I'd push a nun over for free. You should get CoD4. Mass Effect looks TERRIBLE in my opinion. But then again, I hate RPGs.
Entirely worth it. If you have any pleasure in any RPG at all, it is top of the line. Best RPG I've played to date (which will change when TES V comes out but that's not the point...). So much backstory and a ton to draw off from for future games. Like someone up there said, take KOTOR, TES IV: Oblivion a little, and Halo and makes some babies.
I'd buy that for fifty bucks! Luckily, my friend got it for me. Bioshock, IMO, is much better. Not that I find the graphics or storyline or sound or whatever, but the freaky-deaky quality about it is so much better than your generic Star Wars clone.
Bioshock = FPS + RPG elements Mass Effect = RPG + partial nudity + disgusting array and customizability of weapons. It's ridiculous. So, do you like FPSs or RPGs is really the question. I got both, I like both, I've replayed through both the same amount of times, and they both have their own little perks associated with them.
For those that dont like rpg's the combat in mass effect is stil hella fun(if you removed the mako) for example my mate skipped all the storyline to kill stuff and still loved it
Hell yes, Mass Effect is worth $60 Story line is great, you'll play it more than once. Combat is sort of like GoW (Camera views, guns, etc...) Customizing & leveling up is fairly the same a KotOR -YUH!
I would buy Mass Effect for $1,000... not quite but it is a great game, maybe the best one this year.
no, its not worth $60 for 20 hours of gameplay. rent it for a week and play it, its very good but you can save your money. a much better option is COD4 or TES: Oblivion GOTY. Bioshock is also a viable option, but its replay value is low...