Wow. Ive Just spent a good few hours on this map and I most say, the most addicting and balanced map ever. Its fun as both the Humans and the Zombies which is hard to find these days! Good Points: Really good addicting gameplay and it is neatly interlocked with a good map layout and you never get the same game twice. Bad Points: The Zombie needs something better to do while he is waiting to be released, maybe a teleporter to an observers tower or along them lines. Summary: Great map and it deserves a download!
Well, seeing as this has been a work in progress since about.... one year ago, it's likely the maps are one and the same. The first (really horrible) build of this was made March 31, 2008.
Hey, something, how are your plans for the next map changed with the first image of sandbox released on bnet?
Well, I won't be forging anytime soon. Not because of Sandbox, my xbox got RROD and i have to buy a new one. However, if sandbox has more resources, I'll see what I can come up with, assuming I get cash flow coming in for a new xbox relatively soon.
Dang, looks like manifest is gonna pull away a victory in the BoF polls. I guess it's pretty awesome you made it this far though, huh? Oh, and how's that cash flow on a new 360 coming?
This is the best infection map i have ever played, though i changed it to suit my needs. I changed it to make zombies come in 1 minute, it gives you a question. Barricade or weapons. I also made more SMG ammo and the man cannons to get you to the opening door come 15 seconds earlier.
i like this infection map it is very addicting. I played for a few hours and never got tired of it. Best infection map i have seen in a while. Definately worth DL 4.5/5
*Wow, i luuuvvvv this map. I liked the commentary, it was hilariuos. "wel the army left you sum supplie, but they were dicks and hide them on you" ROFL Well anyways nice map, I'm gunna go see what else you cooked up (if any) Also, don't listen to this **** Above me ^^^^^ interlocking isn't nessessary in any map, it looks cool, but not needed
I know I'm going to see Ghostbusters on this. I just know it. Still, good job on the whole teamwork concept!
This map though is better than the city in some ways because it has more movable objects that you can move around and the weapon layout is so classy. I like the city more though since it strengthens the idea behind teamwork since there are more entrances and such. I rated 5/5, I break this map over Fat Kid fanboys ALL DAY BABY! Still is a classic and will always be played...