3 more games of 08 and 09

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by camel assassyn, Mar 7, 2008.

  1. camel assassyn

    camel assassyn Ancient
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    First is the new ALIENS colonial marines game coming next year it is
    a game based on the movies from 1986...The main memo for this
    game is PEACE THROUGH SUPERIOR FIREPOWER.It is going to be a 1-4 player
    online game!Be ready because it will have you on your seat with
    the eye poping game play!

    Second is for 08 Red Faction Guerrilla a fun war type game that if you
    kill a player you can pick up some extra parts and wepons to upgrade
    your wepons and vehicles.This is a rush in and use what ever you have
    on you....

    Yes I got this one for the one dude who told me about it!

    Third is GTA 4 comeing 08,this is going to be as fun as the
    others with better game play and looks.The detail is great.
    With better wepons and vehicles....Police chases are radius
    based now.And for all who dont under stand that it means
    they are like the ones on SCARFACE.The rockets are lanched
    in more realistic ways it looks sweet.O yeah one last thing
    the killing is more real looking!!!

    Thanks again for reading my report!!!!!!!!
  2. emo asian girl

    emo asian girl Ancient
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    XD i love how you talk like a little reporter its funny
  3. camel assassyn

    camel assassyn Ancient
    Senior Member

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  4. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
    Senior Member

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    I hear that for GTA4, the weapon use/gameplay is most similar to that of Gears Of War. Which is freakin awesome! =]
  5. BANDiT

    BANDiT Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Whoa Whoa Whoa, Deiuwd!
    Don't forget about FarCry 2?

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