I'm working on a soccer map, and I had put camo/overshields respctively on each of the goals to identify them as red or blue. I started up a custom game to test it, and the first round it worked, but then the 2nd round it switched the place you spawned at. I would just get rid of them, but sometimes you can't tell which goal you should be aiming for fast enough. I have the respawn points set as attackers and defenders, and I assume the game switches them each round. I'm wondering if I can just keep them spawning on the same side each round.
no, I think that attackers and defenders switch each round. But in my opinion, I wouldnt spend your time making a soccer map. The gametype is overdone, and you could spend your time making another map.
don't make the spawn points attackers and defenders The problem with soccer is geting the ball in the goal doesn't give your team a point like grifball