Lateralus Created by: Adelyss and HezbollaHector Lateralus is the third full-length album by American progressive rock band Tool. Fun Facts about, Lateralus 1. We spend over two months with roughly around 60 hours of work to complete this map. 2. All but 9 objects touching the ground are geomerged (This was not to impress anyone but rather a personal goal). 3. The map features new aesthetics and structures (Magnets). It all began when well, Hezbolla came to me one time and asked me if I wanted to do a mind you this would be my first ever competitive collab but I agreed willingly. We started out with a rough idea of what we wanted to complete in the first night of starting to work on it...and I'll tell you what, what we first had planned out was not what it transformed into. When about half way completed I had Vorpal Saint take a look at it and with me and Hezbolla both thinking about what Vorpal would soon suggest Vorpal suggested that we make a back hallway which defiantly added a huge part into the map. To finish the history off this map took over 60 hours of work over two months. To start off, this map was made with one sided objective games in mind. With its asymmetrical layout and unique structures your left helpless by its true beauty. This map has two base like sides at the end of a straightish bent U, now originally we intended the base used in the back of foundry to be the defenders base but after testing it proved to be to big of a challenge for the attackers and the bases were later switched. Just to the right and outside of the Attackers base is one of the "Magnets" which houses the Human sniper, and just outside the Defenders base is the other "Magnet" which houses the Beam rifle (You must be thinking whoa two snipers on a map? Well after testing we did find that both snipers on the map are not over powering considering its a small map the snipers get switched between hands pretty fast). Now looking straight out from defenders base you will see the side base...which in fact is nothing like a base rather a unique structure. If you run to the Side base from the defenders base and turn right you will be heading towards the "Pillars" and in between the "Pillars" is a rocket sitting on a slanted geomerged A Sign. Just across the Rocket is the middle entrance to the "Tunnel or Cave". There are three ways into the Tunnel and inside it holds the mauler. The other structures around the map fill in what was open areas and just add the the great game play. Recommended players is 6 total with 3 v 3 teams. Recommended game types is Flag gametypes, Bomb gametypes, and Territory gametypes, and Team Slayer. Weapons List Weapons 1x Beam Rifle, 150 seconds 1x Sniper Rifle, 1 clip, 150 seconds 6x Battle Rifle, 2 clips, 30 seconds 2x Carbine, 2 clips, 30 seconds 2x Spiker, 2 clips, 60 seconds 2x SMG, 1 clip, 60 seconds 1x Mauler, 0 clips, 120 seconds 2x Plasma Rifle, 60 seconds 1x Rocket, 0 clips, 120 seconds Equipment 1x Power Drain, 120 seconds 1x Regenerator, 120 seconds 1x Flare, 120 seconds 4x Plasma Grenades, 30 seconds 4x Frag Grenades, 20 seconds Attackers Side Defenders Side Attackers Base Inside Attackers Base Defenders Base Side Structure Side Structure (A closer look) Pillars or Rocket Spawn Flare spawn and middle entrance to the cave Cave or Tunnel First I would like to thank HezbollaHector for asking me to do a collab and to help me create my best map today. You are a good friend even though you do annoy me sometimes we pulled through to create an amazing map. Next I would like to thank Vorpal Saint for the help with totally revamping the spawn system when I almost had it perfect but couldn't just make it right, also helping by tweaking some geometry changes along with some weapon spawn placements. You've helped me with some of my later maps and I'm grateful for your help to make my maps as best as they could be. I also would like to thank Phreakie for tryingto help with some spawns but didn't quite turn out so weel... but oh how could I forget the compliments on the map as you first saw it, so thanks. Thank you AZN FTW for teaching me a little bit more about spawns and your suggestions were helpful but needed a little tweaking, but I probably couldn't of figured it out without your knowledge. Finally I would like to thank EVERYONE who joined in for the testing as truly the map couldn't of came along with changes if it were not for you guys to test it.
Pictures Continued Blue team trying to get the flag from the defenders A little fight in the cave Me shooting a rocket at the defenders on the side structure Attackers rushing out of their base to try and touch the flag Looking from the attackers "Magnet" you can see some battles in the distant Lastly if you missed the download picture click below to download it.
This is a sweet map. I wouldnt be suprised if it gets featured. Your interlocking and geomerging is flawless, there is more than enough cover, and by the looks of it, any game mode will go with it. Excellent job 5/5 from and I hope to c it get featured.
Downloading now! Does this map have anything to do with the song Lateralus by TOOL? That the best album ever in my opinion. I know its not the best reason to dl a map, but it looks good too so you have my dl! =P
Why thank you, Me and Hezbolla tried to make all our Geos as clean as possible and they were. Actually yes it was named after that album, actually Vorpal Saint suggested that I name it that and I actually like the sound of it to. PS: To all your people that are just putting it 1 star stop, its immature.
Oh, it's out. I am glad I got to test this with. I am sure you remember, we played a bunch of games. I thought that the map was really fun. I love the aesthetics on this map. Great geo-merging and interlocking! Everything is precise. I love the little aesthetic touches you use to make it look great. An example would be the crossed fence walls with the powerups. I really like that. The weapons were good. I don't remember me thinking that there was any problems. I think the weapon set works well on the map. The layout is nice. This map has great flow! I never felt confused. Everything seemed to fit together nicely. Each side was well-balanced and I feel like there no over or under-powered side. Combined, all of theses thing made great gameplay. It was really nice. As I said, great flow. The only thing I could complain about were the spawns, but I see that Vorpal has done some to help and I think they will not be a problem. Overall, this map gets a check in my book.
Last Review for a long time. I used the exact rules for the Review Hub and this will also be my example to sign up later.
I LIKE TO MOVE IT MOVE IT!!!! Adelyss knows what I'm talking about This map is one of my favorites. I seriously love it, it's a blast to play on. It's even more fun when you play with me and I sing random songs. The map just evokes it in me, It's got powers. I've played just about every gametype on here, and each one played out great. I hope this gets featured because it's a true gem. The aesthetics are fantastic. They are very original and during the map gameplay I stopped and tried to figure out how he did those Fence Wall/Powerup places, those are really cool, and add some extra flavor to an already delicious map. All metaphors aside, this map is worth staying on your tight hard drive space forever, well, unless a v2 comes out. -ChAoTiC
wow dude this map looks epic and Sick! this is a definite dl for me 10/10 just based off pics. Good job.
Sweet Map! Ya i just downloaded the map and checked it out. Very nice map, good layout, great geomerging, good flow, and very good post! Good job man. I give it 95% out of 100 , so ill give you a 5 star rating! Keep up the good forging man.
=( i didnt get in any of the pics... well either way i alreday Dled the map when you sent it too me. and im happy that you got this up today. the map is just amazing and im hoping to see this in bungie favorites. the king of the hill plays really good (mostly because you spent a long time testing that with everyone today. but overall i think this deserves a Feature. alot of time and effort went into this.5/5
I love the map. The defender's base looks well-forged. You really made an absolutely amazing approach to make a map in the other half of Foundry, it also looks great for 2v2 games. I don't get the 'magnet' thing. Would you mind explaining that to me? In a VM and not a reply? Thanks. Those pillars with the power-ups are an excellent touch BTW. Great JOB!!!!
Well like I explained in the party bungie favorites is community spotlights only so I don't think that will be happening. Yeah but thanks for all the help testing. For some history actually the defenders base went through maybe three layout designs and each failed until this one pop into our heads but even then I still think it could of been better. Basically the magnets are just structures that hold the snipers and they are for the looks of the map, but they do add a lot of gameplay to the map itself. About the pillars to I actually first came up with that aesthetic on one of my old maps (The crossed Fence walls) but never posted it so I though hey mine as well bring it back and I guess it was a hit everyone seems to like it.
Definitely was fun on one flag... never actually played all the other gametypes, but I do hear that they wree fun. I'm glad to see you fixed the spawns... congrats to you good sir...
I have tested this with you what, 8 times? I think you heard me before the aesthetics are amazing and the gameplay is better. That screaming about B favs was hilarious. XD
Well well, its finally here. I am very glad to see that you finally finished the spawn problems cuz I cant even count how many test games we played on here, and the many angry noises I heard you making when they failed. But now that its done, I am happy. I absolutly love the little tunnel bunker thing with the mauler. I also love all of your structures, there is alot of new things on this map that I have never seen before. I really like the one sided games we played here and the weapons seem very well balanced. I know there usually a crazy rush for the Rockets which is usually won by the person who doesnt stop first for the sniper. Which I also like the fact that you used both types of sniper too. Another thing, that was a good Idea to use the Mauler over the Shotty, cuz a Shotgun with even no spare clips would easily wipe out a whole team in 3v3 so you did a great weapon job. I only have 1 problem with the map, which isnt too bad. I dont like the fact that you can get on top of the nuetral structure and those other pillar things. There was a few times I was getting shot and I didnt know where from and then BAM, I was dead. Then I realized that it was Goatnuts getting up there every time so when he was in a game with me, I just watched for it and it wasnt a problem anymore. 9.5 out of 10 from me. good job guys.
Great Job Adelyss. I remember testing this acouple times. I love the sniper spawn the the balance around the map. The Map flows great in everyway as well. Good Job.
This map has some excellent gameplay, especially one flag. The Magnets in the wall are very well created/executed (even though I thought they were huge weiners), and the weapon placement is near perfect. Great Job. 5/5