Apex created by BORG k79 SUPPORTED GAMETYPES Team Slayer, 1 Flag CTF, K.O.T.H. and FFA however it is setup for all One Sided Gametypes as well. Oddball too if thats your thing. Download APEX here Apex is a map that I have been tweaking and tuning for a long time. It contains a huge central Temple that spans nearly the whole of Foundry. With plenty of ways into, through, around, under and on top of, Apex has a great flow. There are your typical choke points like the exit from the Middle Chamber up to the Temple apex, and the Low Central Entrance to the Sword Chamber from below the Carbine Tower. Gaining control of the Temples' apex might seem like it would dominate the map, but with all the routes I have created as well as the Carbine Tower, you are never truely safe gaining the higher ground. In Team Slayer both teams spawn on either side of the Temple giving no weapon advantage off the start. In 1Flag the Defenders spawn in the base with quick access to the FT, Carbines and Brute Shot. The Offense spawns near the Sniper and will get to the Needler first, and will reach the Shotgun half a second before the defense if the defense decides to make a charge for it. Pray they havent brought the FT. The original version of this map was called Temple Mount, however it used a Budget Glitch so I have tried to scale it back down within the budget. The original map was posted HERE on Forgehub and has 300+ downloads I am Pumped for Sandbox so I can make this map look the way it was supposed to. The textures of Sandbox would look cool if applied to this map. This is my submission to the ATLAS group on Bungie.net Weapons List x6 - Battle Rifle x7 - Covenant Carbine x1 - Brute Shot x4 - Spiker x3 - SMG x3 - Plasma Rifle x2 - Mauler x1 - Needler x1 - Sniper x1 - Shotgun x1 - Sword - Symmetrical gametypes only x1 - Flame Thrower x1 - Bubble Shield Equipment x1 - Bubble Shield x4 - Frag Grenades x11 - Plasma Grenades Pictures Overviews Temple Overview "B" Side Temple Overview "A" Side Temples' Apex Overview Temples Apex Overview II Temple Face Overview - The Bubble Shield spawns dead center of the Temple Face. Temples Middle Chamber Middle Chamber Shots These hidden passages take you from the middle chamber outside to the side of the Temple or inside the Sword Chamber. You can also use these passages to get up into the Middle Chamber. These jumps can get you out of harms way in a hurry if you can remember that they are there. Flamthrower Spawn New Defense Flag Spawn Sword Chamber / Mauler Rooms - I have made it so that the Mauler rooms are no longer one way in one way out, you can move through these rooms to reach the Low Central Temple Entrance below the Carbine Tower. Carbine Tower - The Carbine Tower contains the Shotgun at its lowest level, the Needler on its third level, and finally a Carbine rests up top. Shotgun Spawn / Low Central Temple Entrance - The Shotgun spawns at the Temples Central Entrance to the Sword Chamber, directly below the Carbine Towers Lift. Offense Sniper Spawn / Flag Capture Point - This is also the Capture Point for One Flag Games. Exiting the Foundry bases Thanks to everyone that has helped me get this to the final layout here. Enjoy it. Please leave Feedback. Download APEX here
Wow, great map, I like the use of Stairs and bridges, you have some skill with interlocking and I look forward for more of your maps, 4.5/5!
Seems like a Spin off of Bunker Hill, but with a twist that seems to work wonderfully. Excellent job on this one, I am gonna go through with it and tell you the things I think that should be changed, because this one has potential.
I have never seen this Bunker Hill map that you are speaking of. This map was created with the idea of having the map split diagonally all the way across foundry. It just ended up being a Temple structure.
Bunker Hill Here's the map he speaks of: Bunker Hill Yours is only vaguely similar. You built a very unique map. I love the middle chamber shots.