MLG Utopia

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by DB Caprici, Jan 31, 2009.

  1. DB Caprici

    DB Caprici Ancient
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    Hello everyone. This is my first actual post over here. My friend xAkAx Skillx made this map. We've played a few 2v2 games and its pretty fun, the best gameplay will be on 4v4 obviously as that is what its designed for. This map will have a CTF, and King update shortly and it will be uploaded as well. As of now this supports strictly slayer.
    Sniper x1
    Rockets x1
    Mauler x1
    Carbine x 5
    BR x 4
    Custom x 1
    and some stickies and frags.


    Download Link : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
  2. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    Not to be rude, but this map is pretty sloppy. And in MLG, it's not a good idea to totally skip the whole "second level" (2 double boxes high) and have bridges at the very top.

    I mean its okay but could use some cleaning up, better structures, more interlocking, and no bridges that high up...

  3. DB Caprici

    DB Caprici Ancient
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    dude idc if you sound mean lol. we made this in 3 hours just to have a fun customs map. im working on a legit style mlg map. it wont be out till like june though
  4. xAkAx Skillz

    xAkAx Skillz Ancient
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    Yea, we just want everyones opinions, this is seriously the first time I've done forge n we did this in a day so we know it's not gonna be perfect.
  5. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    k cool

    haha i didn't even realize that this was your first post..

    but a V2 would be sweet and i believe you'll do good in your MLG map you're working on,

    if you would like some help just add me

    my gamertag is

    ocd hav0k
  6. WheezyMoney

    WheezyMoney Ancient
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    hmm this map seems well forged, but i dont think the design was well thought out. there isnt enough cover on the ground so players can avoid shots from opponents on the top of the map. you can see absolutely everywhere from the top of the map. i there there needs to be more natural cover for this map to be good.
  7. Cydronix

    Cydronix Ancient
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    This map is Sort of Sloppy, It needs way more geo-merging + interlocking. MLG Maps have a standard that is made that all MLG maps have to be with in the boundries of the map, When you get to the highest point on this map you hit the "Dance Barrier", that is a no-no for MLG.

    I will look forward for a version 2 but until then 2.5/5

    D SCHNEID Ancient
    Senior Member

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    MLG Style?

    I think the merging is good, but the bridges are very high up. I'm not sure if that's MLG style. I guess it could be like the top of Narrows looking at the flag. Also there is a lot of open room. Also MLG isolates the two outside rooms so its one big one. Sort of like a grifball with towers.
  9. just defy

    just defy Ancient
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    ok so im guessing by the looks of things that u made it in a couple of hours.... and by the neatness... u just placed spawn points without changing the settings to attackers and defenders and all that stuff. now id say it needs more athetics (possibly mispelt[as well as mispelt]) and u should consider dividing the map into seperate areas of play ...thats wat i like... ohh and a friend told me that by working athetics into the map it creates this sorta far off cover which is basically wat i mean by create areas of play... u must have played xyience? ...right? (stupid name xyience = sports drink for ppl in ufc[or at least they endorse it{possibly mispelt<as well as mispelt>}]) <[{(lol)}]> anyways thats a good example. another kind of hybrid of that idea would be gridlocked because it has that far cover and theres long and short range gameplay all in one iz also like that. yay long post

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