Working on a new (interesting) project

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Master Debayter, Jan 20, 2009.

  1. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    To fix the problem with openable rooms:

    You could have only two placable grav lifts (one upstairs and one downstairs somewhere in the main room). Both set to never respawn. The humans can then either go upstairs (use grav lift to move dumpster by throwing it in weapon holder), giving them access to the other grav lift, or they can access the help room with the single grav lift (throw grav lift underneath dumpster. Grav lift pushes dumpster out of roof and mancannon on roof of building launches dumpster away). If they access the help room, they can never go upstairs, but if they go upstairs first they can access the help room. This encourages going upstairs.

    To fix the random box problem:

    Have a player shoot a fusion coil which is set to respawn every 10 seconds, and set the run time minimum for fusion coils to 1. Have fusion coils spawn above weapons, so that they fall on weapons in a trough (each weapon slot would be separated by walls to prevent more than 1 weapon coming out). When they blow up, they force a random weapon forwards on the trough. You could set the respawn times for power weapons higher so it is less likely to dispense a power weapon.
    Problems with this:

    - Making it
    - More than one weapon may be dispensed at a time (due to fusion coil not respawning quickly enough)
    - It could be activated every 10 seconds by anyone. However, you could make the fusion coils take away the player's shields, so that they have to damage a zombie (shield leech) to get their shields back otherwise they commit suicide.

    If you can pull this off, it will definitely be worthy of a feature IMO. Good luck Debayter!
  2. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Wow, I just got a brilliant, yet evil idea. :haha:

    If I somehow can't make a random box with a controlled weapon pickup, then I'll just have to bend the map's original layout (GASP!) and place an additional window/cave right next to the random box. That would discourage people to go near it, and it will allow me to have my fun when I'm host. :joker:

    So, I now have a Random Box Control Plan B (lol, what a mouthful). I don't want to have to use this, but if I have to I will. I can easily replicate another cave if I have to.

    Also, while making this post, I thought of an idea.

    It's simple really, and it will work to an extent. I'll use Fallenrat's box design to hold the weapons in, but they will be blocked off from access by a grav lift behind a shield door. I'll make some kind of way to destroy the grav lift through the shield door (trail of fusion coils probably) and I'll make it far back enough so that lighting the shield door on fire won't immediately take out the grav lift (remember there will be a flamethrower).
    The grav lift will have a respawn rate of 10 seconds, so the person only has 10 seconds to get the weapon he wants. AND, I'll try to make access to the weapon box for only one person at a time (via thin hallway, blocked off sides or something). This one part of the map will be a little off design from the original, but it will work.
  3. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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  4. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    My way above will probably work better. Your idea is good, but it would still allow the player to keep grabbing weapons until they got what they wanted. Mine limits them to 10 seconds, so they'll probably only grab one or two weapons at most before pushed out.
  5. GladiateSmiths

    GladiateSmiths Ancient
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    That is a great idea Debayter, and I think that's as close as you'll get. Just, y'know, make sure it's a small room so the design isn't that far off. You could also combine ideas there, and make it so that in the room there are, say, four weapon holders, each with a couple weapons on it each, so that you can't tell what you grab really... Again, I'll be online this weekend, (tomorrow) and we can work on it.
  6. Fallenrat

    Fallenrat Ancient
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    yay my idea might be used :D
  7. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    He didn't like my ideas :(
    Nah, don't worry. Do whatever you think is best for the map.
  8. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Well I already figured out how the openable doors will work. I'll have a deployable grav lift spawn after a certain amount of time, not to respawn and place three of them on the map (by each openable door). The grav lift will shoot the dumpster(s) up into a holding chamber where a man cannon will hold it up. I don't want to just shoot it onto the roof or away like you said. That wouldn't be accurate to the real thing. :D
  9. HunTedMeat

    HunTedMeat Ancient
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    I think these ideas should all be tested individually to find the most efficient and therefore getting the best results for the map. As this random box concept has never been done before ( I think...) , all the ideas may actually work better in certain situations and it all depends on what the games atmosphere is. For example, in the Cat and Mouse game, the games atmosphere is very tense and you have no time to try and find weapons. That is the type of atmosphere you want for this game. Therefore, the humans will probably be trying to survive instead of being a n00b and grabbing all the weapons. i think that this can be achieved by putting a receiver node for the zombies right on top of the random box where an over shield spawns on the node. The over shield should be unreachable to the humans and be set to never spawn or very slow spawn and so , the humans never know what to expect as at any moment, a zombie with over shields appears and kicks the human's ass! This may seem a little over powered but you can make it so that after awhile, the tele node will be blocked and zombies cannot come through.Or you could try to make a reusable switch where when you pick the CPU and a weapon falls through. You should go ook around the forums and try to find an expert on switches as I only have minimal knowledge about them. Or even better host a public competition on forgehub to make a random box and us the winners design.
  10. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    then mine would just have a mancannon or grav lift to shoot you out as soon as you get a weapon. only problem is, what if u get shot out before you can get a weapon? perhaps another switch?
  11. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Why would they not be able to pick up a weapon? That would honestly be their own stupidity. It's simply "Press and hold RB to pick up weapon" adn if they fail to grab a weapon, then that's their own fault.

    The question that still remain is this: How often should I allows access to the random box? I was thinking every 30 or 45 seconds. Sounds reasonable, right?

    Edit: Woot! 300th post!
    #51 Master Debayter, Jan 30, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2009
  12. Katana Master

    Katana Master Ancient
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    45 secs sound reasonable, look in the athestisitics (sp?) part of the forums and look around for a switch expert he/she could work on a design... Just a thought.
  13. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Nah, I think I got this one.

    I just need to pick a window blockade design and I should be good to go. Once that's out of the way, it will be straight forging from there on out.
  14. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
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    I have been reading through this thread and decided to try my hand at making the random weapon box.


    Though it is not a box it functions as a random weapon distributor. It only uses one grav lift and can be simplified down to use a limited amount of items. It does not use custom powerups, or teleporters and gives a small window of time to grab a weapon. The entire object only takes up the space of one double box. I have tested it several times and it works well.

    I would gladly show you what it is but I am not sure if you want this information to be public. I have not shared it with anyone. Simply send me a private message and I will fill in all the details. Or post a message under this one stating that it is okay for me to share it with you and potentially everyone...

    -if you need any help with this map I would gladly offer ideas and maybe forge some of the mechanics
  15. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    Please share it with us... We would like to know the mechanics before it all happens and say how likely it is.
  16. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    It's his decision to talk about it in private, and I can simpathise with that. I think it would be wise not to post it until after the map is posted, so I know this project will be the first map to have it on. :happy: You like to have your maps original, you know?

    CANADAs ARMY EH Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i have already done the down stairs but i dot know what to do with the curved staircase???
  18. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
    Senior Member

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    I was wondering who else was working on the map?
    -I am a good forger and take particular interest in aesthetics. I could look into the spiral staircase as well if you wanted me to.
    #58 Oakly HiDef, Jan 31, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2009
  19. Undead Fanatic

    Undead Fanatic Ancient
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    I remember a rotating grav lift switch on Halo 3 Artificer. It constantly rotates, so if you drop weapons in at different times you'll get random weapons. All you have to do is put down 4 weapon holders in a way the Grav Lift constantly switches weapon holders creating a rotation. Maybe a window that opens up every minute or 30 seconds. Put down a shield door, then a pallet behind it so it can only be destroyed by a fusion coil or an explosive weapon but when a horde of zombies is outside who would trade a rocket launcher round or a frag nade.
  20. Cydronix

    Cydronix Ancient
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    So, will I get to help with this project?

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