Relegation By luckiesnipes GT Mis7er Chief Description: Relegation is a map that uses all of foundry except some of the back hall. It is a map I made after I mastered geomerging. The asthetics are very detailed and when testing one said "Hold on Im admireing the map." Gametypes: Slayer, Territorys, oddball, team king (a party faveorite) and CTF. Map works best with from 2 to 8 players. Also multi-team is super fun foer this map. Weapons: 1 Rocket launcher 1 Needler 1 Sniper 5 BRs 2 Carbines 4 plasma rifles 2 Plasma pistols 1 SMG 1 Spiker 14 Plasma grenades 1 Bubble shield 1 Overshield 2 Mongooses Pictures Back Hallway (Defender Flag spawn point) Back alley mongoose spawn (KOTH Hill) Tunnel (KOTH hill, Oddball spawn) Main Structere (Rocket spawn) Defender Base Sniper Spawn Sniper Spawn overview Attacker Spawn Back Entrance to main structure Overshield spawn (rocket spawn in backround)TESTING Game 1 oddball Game 2 CTF Rocket spawn Download Relegation Thanks to Double Kill miarcofury D0ub13D Deathspartan122 Thanks for testing!
I can see you definitaly put some hard work into this map, with all the merging and stuff, but boy does it look open in some parts. Especially like the sniper spawn pic, theres nothing in the pic except the boxes, and no cover right there. Not to sound offensive, but I think this map was really just to test out your geomerging skills. Was I right? You definitaly mastered the ability to give your map aesthetics, now go read up on the guids to Line of Sight, Cover, etc. I haven't played your map excactly, so I really can't say anything else
Honestly, i think the samething. Gameplay > Map Aesthetics. Map looks good though. Sniper spawn is VERY open. This may cause camping because of this. I don't really know but im DLing right now so, yeah.
It looks really nice. Some of the ramps going up don't going into the higher floor well and you would have to jump though. I like the little thing in the attacker spawn, instead of just a bridge blocking the whole thing, you made it more creative, but with the windows you can get in the back of the map and camp there with the oddball or stay there if your winning in slayer. But i'll have to try this out it looks really fun.
All I can say is wow. This map looks great! Your geomerging is pretty close to perfect, you seem to have ur interlocking down, and most of all, you used the map instead of just the flat open part. I agree with leoparddude on this one, some ramps arent tall enough, forcing players to jump which kinda slows down gameplay, but who cares no one is perfect, right? Regardless, you get a 5/5 from me! excellent job
I can see you definitly added some very nice advanced interlocking and geomerging skillz in this map. My only concern would be to add more aesthetics, because it seems a bit simple. But I havn't played it yet so I dont have a definite review on how it plays. I will get back with you later on this
You do that! I say testing went great It may be a bit open but game play was sweet and there was no camping onthe sniper spawn. It just worked IDK...
Nice, I like you geo-merging and interlocking skills, and actually I could see this as a feature due to its completely awesome gameplay. 5/5!
Good interlocking , and Geomerging, it looks reeally smooth, and i like the extra designs like the rocket spawn, is all extra designedd. Good job. 4/5
Doesn't look bad, but it wont play well. Some spots are too open, some too closed. You need to learn balance. I agree with pretty much everyone else. It looks like your getting good at geomerging but looks aren't everything on a map. Good job though.
very nice, but the A signs are a little sloppy, but thats just me, and it does look a little open, but good map
I see a problem other than how open and visually unsatisfying this appears. The sniper is a jump away from the rockets.. how does that help anybody but the guy who picks em up? Don't get me wrong here; fix the weapon placement, and give it a couple touch ups it would look a hella lot better.
wow the geo-merging is really good and same with interlocking but personally i dont really like the layout all that much... other than that great!!
The rocket is not a jump away from the sniper. The attackers have a good shot at the sniper once they spawn and the deffenders have a good shot at the rocket. The weapon layout may look messed up but my party had no problem with it.
Good interlocking , and Geomerging i dont know what to tell u to change maybe the 14 stickys but that can probley in their for a reason very nice tho i so going to D/L maybe some more lines of fire / cover to hind i mean people will just camp tjhier with a odd ball thats my opioon 4/5 thanks
Camping was a small problem on oddball but the stickeys made up for it. And for those complaining bout the weapon layout It may seem messed up bu after about 8 games of testing I realized it is very balanced.
As stated above, it seems somewhat open, maybe a version two could be more closed-in, if you ever decide to make one. I noticed you didn't change the spawn times on any of your weapons, which has Rockets respawning every 30 seconds... I'd fix that... I mean, unless that's what you intended. Is it? Also, CTF spawns are really strange. You have Attackers spawning in Defenders' base. I'd fix that, too.
Yes there will be a v2 it will be slightly more enclosed and the weapon spawns will change. So keep checking becsause v2 is on the way.