Custom maps in console games

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Gamerguy45, Jan 27, 2009.

  1. Gamerguy45

    Gamerguy45 Ancient
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    I love console gaming because of the ease of use and because I can talk to people while playing video games. But, there is a drawback... I love playing on custom maps, But for some reason the only console game to support them is Unreal Tournament 3 for the ps3. Custom maps are big part of computer games, It adds a lot of fun to the game. Who doesn't wana play on a map made out of lego's? Who doesn't want to play basketball with their own bodies? Very few people can say no to that.

    I'm starting to think maybe after this gaming generation is over I'll get a high end PC instead of another console. This is a big drawlback and was wondering; will console games ever get the same support pc games do?

    So, I would really like to know of any projects in the future that allow custom maps.
  2. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Halo 3's Sandbox (possibly)?
    Far Cry 2's Map Editor?
    Halo 3's Forge?

    You could always get Halo: Custom Edition for the PC. That's fun to edit and mess around with. Why don't you just get UT 3 for the Xbox 360? It's not a PS3 exclusive.
  3. Celestial Panda

    Celestial Panda Ancient
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    UT3 for the 360 lacked any sort of map editor. Microsoft being douches, of course.
    I would have suggested Timesplitters for the original xbox/ PS2, but it's ollllld.

    It's a shame really, we need a 360 game with a map editor/ creator, and then with custom game lobbies, like what the PC gets.

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