I'm thinking of getting it, but if it's no better than GTA IV, I won't bother. What's the story? Can you fly planes? What are the guns like? Where is it set? Can you fly planes? What are the graphics like? Can you fly planes? Infrom me. It's only £30 on Play.com, but would it be £30 well spent?
2 player co op and the online is competitive, but there is no free mode but in co op you can do anything you could in single player and more
From what I've heard, it's far superior to GTA in pretty much every way. My friend told me about a review where it said something along the lines of: I gave GTA a 9/10 and I enjoyed SR2 so much more that it seems unjust to not rate it higher.
What's the character's name? Also, I didn't get SR1 because it looked crap. Was it actually any good?