By popular demand, the revised version of my post... I have included Pictures and Links are requested. I spent countless hours on some of these maps so at least look at the screenshots... Spartica has a working front gate that goes up and down with an elevator in the back. The Projects has 2 AC vents leading into either enclosed base and a center point of control. Soccer Stadium is a working Soccer Stadium. - DOWNLOAD ALL MAPS HERE Spartica - MORE PICS The Projects - MORE PICS Soccer Stadium - MORE PICS Karnov Tower BLaKK - MORE PICS ***ForgeHub is not allowing my embedded screenshots because they are too big or something. They show up in the preview, but not in the actual post. I left the links there so if you see them, leave a note here letting me know cause I already tried deleting temp internet files and troubleshooting. Thanks.
your post is not up to forgehub standards read the rules before posting. u have 24 hours to fix it or your thread will be locked P.S don't double post EDIT: how am i flaming and being prejudice all i am doing is helping you bring your post up to standards p.s please don't send messages saying that i hate America maybe u should get your facts right and apologize. Also i would like to say sorry to the forgehub staff and community for the disturbance i have just caused but i honestly don't think i should have been called the names i was
mods, please allow me to say one thing. CRuNcHy BLaKK is a disrespecting snob, all he does is whine and ***** about how hes not breaking any rules and how my good friend ultimatez is. even his name is racist and should be banned. im sick of new members joining, not reading how to post, and blaming other people for there own mistakes. i understand there is a number of exceptions but reasons like this is why i think there should be a mininum post limit before you can create a new thread. also i belive that the rules of the banhammer should be stricter because of people like this. please dont say im like specops grunt because we all know he is dumb. also to whomever who created this thread, if you say i spam or flam or bump or anything, ill get you perma banned you ignorant little dink. also lets not even start on your post, but scince im not one of you im going to post and edit this with an acirate way to post pics ---- posting pics ---- to embed pics, take a picture on halo 3, then save it to your computer. next, create an account on photo bucket or another image hosting site.when you post your map, copy the embed code and put it in this then it should be good to go oh and also, you might want to put a download liken (dl link) for each map. it makes it much easeir
Honestly, if this is the kind of non-sense I gotta deal with after just posting 1 thread, perhaps you should re-evaluate yourselves. This is the first thread I have ever posted here!!, a member came in here acting like a PM moderator and I told him he was wrong because he is not a PM moderator. I have done nothing to be the aggressor here... I am now wondering why I am already being made out as a criminal after my very first posting?!? I think the case is self evident and no, I genuinely don't feel I should apologize for defending myself when I am attacked. Anyone else agree or disagree, drop your comments here. And no, CRuNcHy BLaKK isn't a racist name. I really am black...very black.
OP you have been here one year and you still don't know the rules. The posting rules are here. Please read them and make sure your post is up to standards or it will probably be locked and you will not get any downloads as no one will take you seriously. I don't think anyone should have disrespected you but i also believe you shouldn't have disrespected the person that was trying to help you out. No one here was acting like or impersonating a moderator. I don't know if you've been to other threads but when one is posted improperly someone from the community tries to help out and tell you the consequences of your improper post. This makes the job easier for the moderators. You made assumptions and false accusations which was unnecessary. The fact that you tried to say he is in the wrong and told him he is flaming, when he is trying to help you out by informing you so you can fix it and hopefully get more downloads, makes you arrogant. No one else post please as it is unnecessary and useless. Edit: The Maps look fun to play. Try to interlock more as it makes the map look nicer and makes the gameplay more smooth. But again its still not up to standards. Read the Rules >>> here <<<. You are supposed to have a link to the maps posted in the bungie forums not to your fileshare. I would also like to get a better idea of what your maps are all about so please provide a better description as well as weapon placements, better layout description, etc. The maps look good but it can definetly use some work. 2.5/5 for now but keep working on it.
i might download the maps, they sound pretty fun, but i really need pictures.and in ur description you said at least look at the screenshots, there arent any pics...
If the pictures don't come up, delete your temporary internet files or click on the links that say "MORE PICS"...theres 4 of them.
As everyone has said above, you need pictures to be EMBEDDED, and also your link needs to be to the individual maps, not your fileshare. I also recommend posting the weapons in a list ect. Please fix this, i want to see these maps.
I have included the images embedded in the page....for some reason this website is not importing the images. Probably because the images are full screenshots and the files are too big or something. If you want to see the screenshots, you can't be lazy about it. Just click on the links on my first post that I put up and you can see like 16 screenshots per level. I am not going to keep adding embedded img links if this site just stops showing the pictures.
But it is part of the posting guidelines that you at least have one embedded picture for each map, only having links to the pictures are against the rules.
Ok i thought the least i could do after the "incident" was atlease come look at your maps and give an honest review of your maps. So here it goes. Spartica: Now from the pictures it looks like a good layout but lacks some of the forging techniques use today such as interlocking and geo-merging but isn't that important. Some of the walls look crooked too which is an easy fix in a V2 if you make one ( A tip on making the fence walls straight would be spawn a double box and then spawn the fence box and lean it against the box) The overall rating i would give for this map is a 3/5 The Projects: this map to also lacks interlocking but once again not that important. The map seems also somewhat powered because in one picture i see a brute shot, mauler, needler and a BR right next to eachother and then you say there is a shotgun right next to. Little overpowered don't you think. The layout on the other hand is great it looks like a big map and i think would play well if the weapons were right. Overall rating is 2.5/5 Soccer Stadium: Probably one of the most overused ideas in the history of forge. Not original at all and it looks like the other maps that were made. Nothing i could really help with you other then to try not to do another map like this ever again. Overall Rating for this map is 1.5/5 I hope the review i gave you will help you towards your future maps.
I don't have any future maps and your assessment is lacking. I do have advanced interlocking techniques, but you wouldn't see that unless you actually play the levels. Working Elevators, working front gates, ac vents with bust out ventilation... You didn't even play Spartica, so I'm sure you didn't see the "working" facilities. The Projects... again, you didn't even download the map... you only looked at pictures. I created this soccer stadium along time ago. Other maps look like mine, not the other way around, check the date on the stadium...You should check the video in my file share for the soccer stadium video... it's way more fun than you ever could imagine. get a good 3 on 3 going and you'll change your mind. BTW, I got ratings on my maps elsewhere by more reputable forgers and they think my maps are better than your biased opinion. Try playing the maps sometime instead of just discriminating on my map screenshots. Levels play differently than screenshots... and for those working with modified xboxs, check out for the Navi-X Media Browser for XBMC... Navi-X is now in version 2.5!!! Over a quarter million hits a month and counting!!!
Fine because your sooooo desperate for a download i will download them and walkthrough. I won't be downloading the soccer stadium because it isn't my style of gameplay. Also if you know advanced interlocking techniques then why didn't you use them on the whole map and not just part of it. Anyway i will be back after i look through your maps. Also don't give out that website it has no use because we dont allow modded content on forgehub anyway EDIT: Well It seems your advanced interlocking abilities weren't used at all in the two maps i looked at. That my friend is lying which isn't a good thing. I also noticed that your maps weren't slightly overpowered let me show you. Spartica's Weapon List: Battle Rifle x4 Shotgun x2 Sniper Rifle X2 Spiker X2 Plasma Rifle x2 needler x1 Brute Shot x1 Rocket Launcher x1 Gravity Hammer x1 Carbine x 1 Mauler x2 Sentinal Beam x1 Machine Gun Turret x1 The Projects' Weapon List: Battle Rifle x 4 Shotgun x2 Sniper x1 needler x2 Brute Shot x2 Rocket Launcher x1 Energy Sword x1 Mauler x2 Now As you can see some of the weapons i put in Bold and i Underlined it too. These weapons are known as power weapons something you have too much of. The total amount of power weapons on Spartica is 11 while The Projects' has 9. This my friend is far to much. Even though your not going to edit the map because you like it how it is, I'm still putting it up just so everyone else knows the weapons on the map. consider this as me helping you which like last time you probably won't like
Hey it's all good Ultimatez, I appreciate your constructive feedback. I really don't even care about the maps anymore because their old and mostly un-educated people play Halo 3 anyways... that's why I stopped playing in the first place. Hope you all have a good life as this is my last time here. No more posts or messages back and forth so Bye.
hey i know everyone is just saying about you not knowing rules and that but has anyone looked at the maps there amazing! maybe they could even be feutured all you need is too know the posting rules and then you will be praised for your good work 10/10
if mostly uneducated people play then why do we have such people as lightsout, cosmic rick, furious d 18, /V\ATTY, camoflaug and every other mod member and staff who play halo, you my friend are definately aking for a perma ban and i hope the nitrous comes out of forge retirement and swings the mighty ban hammer unto your skull
That is so true. Anyway a mod might as well lock this as he has no interest in the maps anyway and doesn't plan on replying anytime soon