SPREAD EAGLEBig Team Tactical Map for Standoff. "My name is ManRayX and I'm an Obsessive Compulsive Forge-aholic" Hey guys its ManRayX again with another map for big team objectives lovers, and I have to say my OCD has reached a new level. As you guys may know especially if you've played my SKYDIVE CONVOY game, I love big team games. Mostly because it feels like the chaos of all out war and as you'll see in the following descriptive this game looks sounds and feels like all out war. SPREAD EAGLE is an asymetric map for 1 flag and 1 bomb assault matches as well as all slayer gametypes. I built this map months ago and it has evolved through extensive playtesting and suggestions from my fellow forgehubbers (including how to properly post a map). After a complete overhaul and redesign it is finally ready for posting. NOTE: Before you go any further... This is a big team (at least 10 players) map, but is probably better for 12 to 16 players. If you like runnin and gunnin you will love this map, but even more so if you can get a big group together. DEFENDERS The defensive team protects a heavily armed floating base with two story shield walls at one end of Standoff with the Flag (or Bomb) placement at the very top Defenders have tons of missles, rockets and sniper rifles (two on the platform and two in the double boxes below.) Let em fly. All weapons have max ammo clips and respawn about every 10 seconds. This may seem overboard but in playtesting the map we found that this made the game more competitive due to the large distance between bases. Fill the sky with rockets and missles. We'll make more.... ATTACKERS The offensive team starts at the other end of the map with balanced weaponry. Banshees spawn at the starting point 90 seconds into the round. There are three ways up to the base. You can fly up by Banshee. Go up the man cannon to the lower tier of catwalks. or open the door in the ground base below to access a teleporter to take you up….. but be careful when you get there. THE VALLEY OF DEATH Chaos of war! As you can probably see in some of the screen shots the base shoots out fusion cores across most of the central valley of Standoff making it almost impassible. TACTICS: DEFENDERS: Defenders guard against the attackers opening the door to reach the teleporter. In the one bomb game variant the bomb has an instant fuse so stop the bomber at all costs. If you manage to steal the flag there’s a man cannon directly in front of the flag placement. Just step off onto it and it will shoot you half way across the map safely over the valley of exploding fusion cores. Once the attackers steal the flag have at least 1 player try to snipe him. The flag return is all the way back at the attacker starting point so……. You can follow him on the man cannon.. or you can chase him down by taking the mongoose. ATTACKERS: Divide and conquer. Confuse the defenders by attacking on several fronts Get your best sniper to hang back and cover the attacking teams. You’ll find sniper weapons at the starting point as well as at both anteneas of the attacker base. I hope everybody enjoys it as much as we do. DOWNLOAD: Download Map Download 1 FLAG Gametype Download 1 BOMB Gametype If you like big team battle check out the post for my other game SKYDIVE CONVOY http://www.forgehub.com/home/index.php?topic=4479.msg58548#msg58548 Reply 03/09/08 >Thank's for the feedback guys. Trust me when I tell you we have played this game with many different players over the last couple of months and it is well balanced, but super competitive. No side really dominates. Your so high up in the base that the missles can be evaded in ground or air vehicles. > As to the fusion cores they are set at 15 of 30 run time so they would not lag. You either love them or hate them. Most players are blown away (no pun intended) by them, and like I said I like a big team map to sound like all out war. The cores add a little chaos and help balance out the map. > Good suggestion about adding plasma pistolsI will try it out. Alot of my feedback has been about the attackers being at a disadvantage getting into the base. I probably should have mentioned that there are two active camo's in the field (one right by the front door of the defender ground base.) and a radar jammer on the way to the man cannon. This is tried and true get a10 players out of your next DLC matchmaking tell them about the three ways up to the floating base and you will enjoy.
I think this would be a cool game if there were two bases just firing on each other the whole time. Also looks to me like the missle pod looks to overpowering like it would destroy every vehicle that comes close to the base.
Hol-ee... This looks amazing. I can see a lot of epic battles taking place here. Teams will have to be wily and sly to get past their enemies, and not just in controlling zones and weapons, but in maneuvering and tactics. And although I'm loathe to admit it, because I'm not a big fan of advertising maps, your other map looks just as great. It's reminiscent of the ninth level of campaign, where you can get in a Hornet and airdrop your partner to destroy the Scarab. My only qualm is that because it's nigh impossible to organize a party bigger than 8 people into a coherent mass, this map is more fitting in Casual.
I have to say that this looks epic, please however tell me what the spawn times on all of the fusion coils are. This is probably the one case where weapon hording is appropriate(other than class choice). Solid looking map.
I like it all except the valley of falling fusion coils. I just dislike the concept of falling fusion coil madness, it's been cliche since Storm the Beach. Most of the time it's just laggy and messy looking. It seems unnecessary for this great looking map. As for everything else, it looks very nice, some crazy battles will go down on this. What i think would be cool is if you touch up the aesthetics of the floating base to make it look like a giant helicopter or floating ship or something. You'd be able to get enough money and objects to do this if you DELETE THE MESSY FUSION COIL VALLEY.
Agreed. I think that it's starting to look like a floating ship already; just call the map UNSC Eagle or something, and make the gametypes revolve around Ship Assault.
The defending base looks like a complete fortress! From the looks of thing it seems impossible to get into that base nonetheless grab the flag or arm the bomb. But I havn't played it yet so I'm not sure.
I think this map looks awesome! I like BTB because of the chaos and competiteveness of it. I think that this is another great BTB map from you. =] Great Job. One small suggestion would be to put that missle pod respawn to about 90 secs and maybe put a plasma pistol to paralyze vehicles and stuff. =]
This reminds me of a map that Grif made (I think). His was based on Battlefield 2142 with the Titans, if anyone knows about that game. It was a lot of fun so I suspect that this map will be just as good. Floating bases are always some of my favorite maps for some reason.
This is a really cool idea. Well done. Try to use more Rockets and Plasma pistols than rocket pods, as it would make it much more rewarding.
Insane map!!!! weve been playing ur map for about a month now. i cant belive your not on the front page with this one. Definetly for big teams we played 6 on 6 with snipers hangin back to cover. sniper on the sky base pulled off a stop on ctf just steps from scoring with 3 seconds left. best map ever.
insane map Insane map!!!! weve been playing ur map for about a month now. i cant belive your not on the front page with this one. Definetly for big teams we played 6 on 6 with snipers hangin back to cover. sniper on the sky base pulled off a stop on ctf just steps from scoring with 3 seconds left. best map ever.
lol nice name but the map is good to kinda reminds me of LIghtsout225's map heatwavr which i loved so you got me. good job and keep it up