Wow. I LOVE your style dude. All of your tags have great depth. Hopefully we can be friends. I'm into GFX too, and most of the GFXers over here are buds. ;P
What he said, minus the creepy offer of friendship lul. I love how theyre so... unconventional I s'pose. So many elements of that sig would normally make me want to gouge my eyes out but youve made it work. GG.
I love how you made all the halo sigs, not really halo anymore. But something different, almost realistic.
Thank's for the comments guys Here's my PB and dA if you want to look at my other signatures/tutorials.
You have a style in your sigs that make them stand out from other ones. I can not figure out how you get such nice effects. They look good, you are also very good at lighting
Turn Ho-Hum Color into WOW! with Photoshop Yes, after I learned this technique, I've been using it none stop actually, ha. Helps loads and it's quite simple. And yes I take lighting and depth into consideration with pretty much every tag. Thanks again guys.