Lolwut? It looks to me like he's just hanging out in some fellow's backyard. Most likely his own. He's carrying some official-looking documents, which is more than anyone could ever have said for Bush. ... oh my God, it seriously is in your sig. Did I seriously write "stilled"?
Wow. He walked to the wrong door. That's incredibly funny. Just because he's the president doesn't mean he's a perfect man. Who cares if he goes to a wrong door? I hate all this like on the news yesterday. "Obama's children have a snow day!" or on Yahoo one time "Obama is getting a dog for his children!". I remember they had a poll on Yahoo. It was something like "How is our coverage of Obama's dog? -Enough already -Just fine -Can't get enough I am really sick of this. He's our president. Shouldn't we care about, you know, more presidenty stuff?
Maybe it's a window door. The windows next to them have hinges on it. Obstensibly for the purpose of being opened.
It looks kind of door-ish though. Sop what if he's your President, he's still allowed to make mistakes. Lay off.
Oh, it's the White House? That's pretty silly of him. I thought his was visiting a voter or something.
you're reaaaallll funny deathtoll Stop obamahatin He's just chillin. He's not walking. There is no movement. Stfu
Yeah but if you can't make fun of the little things it's useless. Like bush and the pretzel incident.
But it's not funny cuz you know why he would make such a "mistake". It's not like someone caught him picking his nose or making a funny face.
Its a funny moment that I'm sure even Obama could laugh at. As long as he isn't continually walking into windows, I'll think he'll do just fine, lol. I was wondering when he was going to give some material to the Daily Show and the Colbert Report. It was only a matter of time, lol.
its like us laughing at you making the rpg badly, and we take it and change it so we destroy And then we post And laugh with thirty screenshots and motivational posters Not that im not looking forward to my favorite former moderator's amazing game
Um... it looks to me like that "window" is a door, and his hand is reaching to open it.... I really don't get it. What's so funny?