To: Remove the option to either geomerge, or interlock Step it up a notch: Bungie removes any form of advanced forging: interlocking, geomerging, any glitches that allow this. Even switches. The grand finale: remove forging altogether If so, what would you do, what would you choose (first part), how would you react? Finally, would you really still be playing halo without it? I know I wouldn't....
I doubt I would still be playing Halo without Forge, or at least as much as I do. It would be like back in the Halo 2 days, were mini-games consisted of team changing, towers that have power, and other honor rules. Although, maybe I would just play matchmaking a lot more, it's hard to tell If there was no interlocking or geomerging, I would care less because there still would be some great maps and mini-games. This makes me want to go back and Forge a pre-DLC mini-game with all of the "no interlocking" thoughts...
lol, Halo is nothing without custom games. If they ever did do that, I'd switch over to COD with no hesitation at all. Who knows... I might even have to *cringes* play WoW!
There are many ways to Geomerge, so if option #1 happened, geomerging would require a helluva patchin'! And the Bungie Employees don't seem to have anything against interlocking. I don't think it's a glitch. more of an exploit.
I would still be playing halo. I mean i played halo 2 for like 2 or 3 years without forging i think i can survive with halo 3.