Heroic DLC Infrastructure

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by bam3214, Jan 30, 2009.


What do you think of the map? (look first :P)

  1. Amazing! aesthetics are incredible! DL for sure!

    14 vote(s)
  2. Pretty good. worth a DL.

    3 vote(s)
  3. alright, i might check it out

    0 vote(s)
  4. not really into it, dont like all the pipelines

    1 vote(s)
  1. bam3214

    bam3214 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    By: Bam3214

    At the heart of all major cities lies a delicate system of supplemental pipelines. This map has the theme of pipelines and there are many worked into the map, whether they are jutting from the ground to the ceiling, able to be walked on, or overhead, they all add to the overall beauty of the map. Many of the aesthetic pipelines change the way the level is played and how it feels, adding natural barriers to change the flow of gameplay without the player realizing it. 2-12 players, all gametypes enabled. works best with team games and team objective games.

    7x Battle Rifles
    2x Carbines
    1x Assault Rifle
    5x SMGs
    2x Plasma Rifles
    2x Needlers
    2x Maulers (no extra clips and long respawns)
    2x Spikers
    1x Magnum
    1x Shotgun (1 clip, long respawn)
    1x Sniper Rifle
    1x Rocket Launcher (0 clips)
    2x Human Turrets (150 sec)
    2x Mongooses
    1x Ghost
    1x Overshield
    6x Plasma Grenades (30 sec)
    4x Frag grenade (30 sec)



    ^^^^^ the rockets can be grabbed without needing to crouch, and vehicles fit under too.

  2. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
    Senior Member

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    Hey, I was hoping I would see this on here. A beautiful map, full of interlocking and geomerging, it is a forger's delight. It seemed kinda small for two maulers and a shotty tho (neither of which is on your weapons list btw). Maybe replace the shotty with a brute shot =] (i <3 brute shots). I like the ample stickies to combat the ghost, as well as the power drain and rockets. The map almost seemed cluttered with moveables, but it works IMO. In case you didn't know, you can get on top of the overhead "pipes" by grenade jumping from the built-in Foundry doorway. You can't get out of the map, but you can roam around. Not a HUGE deal, just thought I would mention it. Overall, this map has some wonderful aesthetics with the gameplay to match. JimP factor: 86% Well done.
    #2 ShaddoBlade, Jan 30, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2009
  3. bam3214

    bam3214 Ancient
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    cant believe i forgot the shotty and maulers >_< but the maulers have long respawns and no extra clips, same thing with shotty except it has 1 clip.

    as for getting out, there was one way, but i fixed it and u can no longer get out, so i dont know what u are taking about (foundry doorway??), but the only possible way has been removed. all other possiblities are to high up for grenade jumping.

    EDIT: fixed weapons list
  4. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
    Senior Member

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    I said you CAN'T get out... you can just get on top of the overhead "pipes"
  5. bam3214

    bam3214 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i can feel the spam infraction, but once again, how?
  6. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    I'm not really a fan of foundry, but I guess I can check this one out for you. I really liked how you are using the stairs in a vertical fashion. I have yet to download this map, but I was just wondering wouldn't it give the ghost driver an incredible advantage, if he just grabbed the overshield and dropped to the ghost?

    I'll be back with a real review after I get some games on this map variant.
  7. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
    Senior Member

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    Aww, I drew up a nice little picture, only to find out that Photobucket isn't working for me... I will try to better explain. In the back by the sniper, there are two doorframes that are built into foundry. They are always there (original map geometry). You can jump on the fence walls that make the wall for the ramp going up to sniper, then jump up on top of the doorframe, and grenade jump from there to an angled single box that makes up an elbow of one of the "pipes." It's not that big of a deal, because you would have to do this while people would be attempting to kill you, but I just thought I would let you know.

    Edit: Here's the pic I was trying to get up, showing where to grenade jump.
  8. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Pretty good, nicely done. The aesthetics look very pleasing to the eye too. That's very nice that you came up with a new structure (the os one), it looks very good.

    As for your weapons, I know that you set the maulers and the shotgun to long respawn times, but it's just not right to put them in one map. Also, I strongly recommend that you remove one mongoose seeing that this does not look like a good map for TS rather it looks okay for FFA. Good job.
  9. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    This map looks really good. It looks very playable, and very well laid out, for most game types. Great job! 4/5.
  10. Toofgib

    Toofgib Ancient
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    I like this map alot it is forged very nicely and it is fun to play on. I like those pipe things you put in there, they are very cool. Ive have seen them on a couple other maps but you can actually use yours most people just put them in for looks.

    Good job 5/5
  11. oFatalAcex

    oFatalAcex Ancient
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    I played on this last night with you, and before along time ago when it was just started. Nice map, but go to MLG forums and check out a pic of the new sandbox.

    FR0ZEN FEARS Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Aesthetics - check
    Gameplay - check
    Playability - check
    Balanced - check
    Z0mg this gets a download!!! - check

    lol, nice map man. Keep forging. The ideas on this map are great, so I can't wait to play some more :p
  13. twisted gaming1111

    Senior Member

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    one word for this map: feature
    aesthetics are awesome.....
  14. IVIercinator

    IVIercinator Ancient
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    The aesthetics play a huge role in this map's total epicness. All the geomerging/ interlocking looks extremely neat and I hope to see this map rise in popularity. The gameplay looks similar to Phreakie's Sanghelios and that's a good thing. Great job with the map.
  15. Cydronix

    Cydronix Ancient
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    Very good map, I like the center stucure, and all the geo-merging you did on this map, It plays pretty well too. 5/5
  16. Kion FH

    Kion FH Ancient
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    This is a brilliant map because of not only gameplay and layout, but asthetically it is beautiful. I love the pipes! The pillars are gorgeous, and the whole map is well done, while looking awesome! 5/5
  17. BboyLeon

    BboyLeon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Such a beautiful map with flow... cover, well placed weapons... ability to spawn without being seen. Awesome map. Awesome. Can't wait til I get a custom on it.
  18. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    This does LOOK like a great map, but I have yet to play on it. It seems like there are some open spaces, Not WIDE open spaces, but still, could lead to some unwanted Kills (Lul Unwanted Kills on Halo).
    Anyway, most of your half arch structures prevent people from seeing all the way across the map, and most of your other buildings are low to the ground, making it almost impossible to spawn camp. Good job, intentional or unitentional. Umm, I don't really like your weapon layout, soz, but, how do I explain, I can't really, its just my personal preference. Your asthetics are amazazeng, almost everything is merged and or interlocked. Great Job So far, untill I haz time to playz 4/5

    BULL3TMAN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hey sup just wanna say awesome map I love how everything is soo well merged 5/5. I myself am gonna DL but one question, how well does it work for SWAT team, and objective SWAT, Im asking because Im looking for alot of good SWAT maps for my LAN party this Saturday.

    awesome map!
  20. bam3214

    bam3214 Ancient
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    Thanks. I actually have never played swat on this map, however i think it would work quite well do to the amount of cover that discourages long range combat. I think playing sway would be great for a team slayer game, so u go ahead and try that out for me at ur LAN party and tell me how it goes.

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