Otherside... My gamertag is BlackhawkO3 (the "O" is a letter not a number!) and thts where the download is!!! SRRY! This is a little map i like to call Otherside. Im srry for the lack of pics, my computer is terrible and i cant open Bungie.net anymore, so bear with me. This is a symmetrical map, each base is the same (same weapons, same spawns ect.) The middle grounds is where you wanna be. Flamethrowers, grenades ect. Get the flamethrower before it gets you. Good for slayer and multi flag. The weapons... SMGs plasma rifles beam rifles shotguns FLAMETHROWER plasma pistols Carbines BR's This is the attackers base. This is the defenders base This is the middle grounds, which is basically all CQB (close quarter battles) Once again Im srry for the lack of pictures, i know my last post "Death Fracture" wasnt exactly a slammer download wise so i tried making a symmetrical map. HAVE FUN, dont hurt yourself! ~Bl4ckhawk~ More maps to come!!!
It looks OK I would love to play a game on it, but there's no download link. If you still cant get on b net put the map on your fileshare and ill post the link.
i must say this map looks terrific! but there is no DL link and i looked on ur file share on Bungie.net and it wasn't there either!
this map looks very nice and good feel to it but you dont have a D/L link to click on AND its not on your fileshare so when u get a link i probley download do u sudjest any game typez?? thanks
this map has a great layout, but i would most def take out the shield doors.very nice interlocking.. good job wheres the download link
It looks good, but as mentioned above, I cant download it. It looks like a well placed grenade could get you out in some places, and it looks like you might benfit from being on top of the double boxes.... might want to make sure.
a pretty good map, nothing too unique, but good forging the ramps maybe couldve been geomerged in the middle, but that doesnt really matter. the only thing i would fix is to make the stairs farther out of the boxes, there too small in my opinion
Here is the link to the download!!! http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=64429785 sorry forge hub is being weird and not letting e post again so ill have to go without rating this one...