Map Download - ODST Recon H.Q. (More Screen Shots below!) Game Variants Download -ODST Reconball (Recommended) Future sport of the UNSC, created specifically for ODST's. "Prepare to fly" - ODST Flag (1 Flag CTF) "Prepare to drop"....the flag Info: - 8-10 players is best for this map - Game types located above are required! -Reconball is the featured game type on this post,so all the screen-shots below are from that game-type. -Please Do Not rate this map before you play it with 1 of the Gametypes located above! This map is only meant to be played with those Gametypes for best results. Thanks. Story- This is a former UNSC facility that once trained ODST's . The purpose of this facility is that it was used to get the ODST's soldiers prepared for the massive geforce that they would feel on their Orbital Drop missions.But now since the fall of the Covenant and the defeat of the Flood this facility has a lighter,and less serious purpose.It has birthed a new sport called "ODST Reconball". In this sport the ODST's can take their training to the next level and still have fun doing it! Lets just say this is not your daddys Grifball to say the least.... =) How to play the game-The goal is simple, 2 teams in opposite bases take the man-cannon lifts that are all connected by teleporters throughout the map.The first teleporters that gets you started flying through the cannons are located in each base.Taking the cannons sends you flying through the air then into the next teleporter which shoots you out the next man-cannon around the whole map like some sort of insane roller coaster! Both teams must get the ball or (bomb) which is in the middle of the jumps that you take. Then they must circle the other half of the map and score the ball, ala Grifball. Both teams score in the exact same spot, but both teams must completely circle around the map to do so.But it wont be so easy. All players are armed with Spartan Lasers and Sniper Rifles, and some equipment , grenades, and the Covenant Sniper Rifle are located around the jumps of the map as well as in each base. It takes 1 sniper shot to kill a player, but 2 shots to kill the ball carrier (unless you get a headshot) the carrier gets an overshield when they grab the bomb. Since it will be very hard to get 2 consecutive sniper shots on the bomb carrier while flying through the air, the Laser will kill him in 1 shot. There is 1 ,15 minute round and 1 minute Sudden Death, of course the team to plant the bomb the most wins. Screenshots-(Honestly screenshots don't do this map justice. You really have to play this map to know what it's like.) Overview of side 1 of the map. This is the side where the ride begins! (Note: in the far backround you can see the bomb spawn point that the players must take the man-cannons to get to) The bomb carrier owns a would-be defender. His pride is what hurts the most, poor guy... =P Blue and red going for the bomb. Red sneaks up and snipes em in the back! My bomb! Overview of side 2 of the map. Red Lasers blue at the bomb plant point. Nice shot man! Cave Interior Jump - Notice the bubble shield, if you are the ball carrier and are about to be lasered you can throw this shield while in the air and block the shot. Cave Interior Shot 2 -If you can get that soccer ball in the lifts u can possibly set a trap for the next guy through the cave! Woops, it kills teammates too... lol =) Ball Dropped! As you can see the ball carrier turns white while holding the ball. Also he is beaconed so everyone can see where hes at at all times. (Denied at the rim! Looking out from base 1) That teleporter you see is the one that starts you in the sequence of jumps that circle around the map. Lol ! the soccer ball strikes again. Dont worry this is more of a rare occasion than not. Defensive manuvers - The flares located around the map help the bomb carrier defend himself from the enemy. Especially from the noobs who try to get out of the jump sequence and camp down in the snow. Also the bomb resets almost as soon as it is dropped so for the best chance to win , stay in the jumps! The more of your teammates after the ball,the more you will score.... Close up angle of ball carrier being stopped at the plant point. Download this map and game type on top of this post and... "Prepare to launch!"...or drop <-- Copy Right infringement! OMG Bungie please don't sue me!! Please,please comment and/or rate this map! I really do appreciate any feedback and opinions that you write about my map. Thank you "Thanks for reading this post. I hope you download and enjoy this map. I really appreciate any feedback and suggestions for this map. Happy forging!" - OTT2OWN P.S. - I will probably add more to this post later on,but i think i covered most of the basics. I might add a version 2 map to this post is someone gives me a good idea on how i can improve this map.Thanks again! =)
This seems like alot of fun especially since you get to fly around the map. This idea seems really cool and you look like you did a good job with the map. The only thing i suggest is that you make it two shots to kill a regular person as it seems a little bit annoying to get shot every second that you step of your spawn. Also do both teams start at the same point or is it two different paths that eventually lead into one. This looks like it could be alot of fun and it seems to have a lot of potential. I like how you mad the teleporters unmissable. 4.5/5 Great job. Btw if this is escapeable you should definitely fix it. EDIT: WOW first post sweet!
Thanks a lot for for your comments DeadLock25. =) To answer your questions. Both teams start in different bases but merge together on the first grav lift jump. Then they have to get the bomb mid way through the jumps and then go plant it on the opposite side of the map after going through the cave jumps. There is also an alternative teleporter in each base that leads to the cave, but it wont take you to the bomb any faster, those teles actually make it a longer trip to get to the bomb. It is possible to escape the jump sequence, but it wont help you.... You have to take the jumps to reach the bomb because it resets 2 secs after drop. In other words the team going for the bomb the most agressively will almost always win. Last thing, I tried to make the jumps totally unescapable, but I found out that it just isnt possible. ='( If you think otherwise just give me an idea what to do. BTW - sorry this comment was so long, i felt i had to say all this.. =)
I like the whole "constant moving" it doesnt allow for control of a certain area, and always a change of scenery. Im kind of surprised this hasnt been perfected yet Ill have to give this a DL
this is a great game a whole new experiance to grif ball and its really fun! tell me were you got the idea from 10/10 (oh yeah my freind got out the map somehow he said he dident know how himself)
Reply to d4rkdemon To answer your question dark4. I made up this idea by myself quite a while back, shortly after this map was released. I have part of this idea in some of my older maps, but I didnt have the jumps circle around the whole map like this one, but they did play a major role in the gameplay of the map. I'm the first person to my knowledge to think of this mid-air ,fast paced, ODST inspired sport.I did get some inspiration from Grifball as far as the 1 bomb, instant detonating thing is concerned. but i think that people will find that this a totally different and new idea compared to Grifball. The other thing, ya you can get out of the map, but there is no fool proof way to fix that, if someone finds a way i will be totally shocked and very pleased. =) But i might tweak a few things and relase a version 2 later if someone gives me some good suggestions...
This is a awesome map it will never replace the skill less griffball (to many noobs -.-) but hopefully it will be the skillful griffball XD Great job -Jash
Thanks for your comments about my map. Thanks alot for your comment. I agree this game does take a lot more skill than Grifball for sure. Of course Lasers and Sniper Rifles are more skillful weapons than Swords and Hammers.Also flying through the air the whole time makes it even more technical.I'm not trying to diss Grifball,I like Grifball,but this game is a whole different animal in comparison.I just wish i woulda posted this map in the mini games thread. I now see that this thread is dominated by Infection maps,my map seems kind of out of place here. ='( 1300 Downloads is ok but i wish i could get more comments.
Thanks for your comment i guess,but i don't think your supposed to advertise your maps on other peoples threads.... Makes me wonder if you actually played my map, or just looked at the pics and assumed the map was nothing special.Just in case you did that... Please never review someones map without first playing it. That's just not fair to the person who spent a lot of hard work and time on his/her map. I'm speaking on behalf of all people who post their maps on Forgehub.