Oh yeah. The Jonas Sisters. And Nickelodeon rooted bands, too. What happened to Nickelodeon? Remember All That and Keenan and Kel? I want that back...
You know exactly what he means, just because the OP referred to Pop as "popular Music" doesn't make you or him right. The term "pop music" was first used in 1926 in the sense of "having popular appeal" (see Popular music), but since the 1950s it has been used in the sense of a musical genre, originally characterized as a lighter alternative to rock and roll. All heavy/black/normal metal sucks. Same with grunge.
Lil Wayne - Absolutely full of himself and so is his all of his retarded fans when they say "He's the best rapper alive!" DJ Khaled - WE THE BEST WE THE BEST WE THE BEST! SHUT THE **** UP Soulja Boy - I think I speak on behalf of anyone born in the early 90's or earlier Fall out Boy - Just don't like them, they are corny
I don't like Soulja Boy,Lil' Wayne...God, is a long list. Worse, IMO, is the Jonas Brothers and Hannah Montana. Pretty much any group of young musicians closely associated with a kid's TV channel.
Jonas Borhters. No question about it. On Febuary 6th is International Jonas Brothers Suck Day. So spread the **** Bros Suckiness to you friends. If you need to know it is a thing on Facebook. And here is a little something:
Disney bands, as well as this psycho blond people call "Britney Spears". And Jelleh's choices are up there as well. GTFO Natasha.
i hate natasha but rihanna isnt so bad but her songs are on the radio way way way too much. i can stand it a few times but really its just dumb how much she is on the radio.
There is a lot of bands for me to spread the hate to, some popular, others, not so much. I've found that a lot of rock bands these days suck, they all sound the same. Some great examples are Hinder, Fall out Boy, Simple Plan and Linkin Park. Those some may not consider "pop" but they're still bad, IMO. Although I like some of Linkin Park's older songs. I don't know how the Jonas Brothers and Hannah Montana are so popular if everyone I've ever talked to in my life says they suck. Must be the younger children, quick, someone show them some bands with balls before society becomes musically stupid!
aargh don't diss coldplay i'm not so much a fan of their new album as their old stuff that's the real coldplay
It's disappointing where her career is. She has an amazing voice but wasted it on the songs she does... I would like to see her sing for an alt rock band, she's got a great voice for it.
All her "music" is is sexual innuendo and her dressed in these seductive outfits. She's not even attractive.
I don't hate her so much. Don't get me wrong, she's annoying, but she's different from all the other terrible singers on the radio at least.
As for the other listed bands... Jonas Brothers and Hannah Montana? They're a sign of the coming apocalypse. Fall Out Boy? I like some Fall Out Boy. It just pisses me off when posers fall in love with them. Lil Wayne? I hate him and his stupid ****ing voice. It's terrible. Same with DJ Khaled. They make me want to punch a baby. I also hate Akon. My God that I don't believe in, what a terrible voice.
I C WUT U DID THER they really are a sign on the apocalypse... no doubt in my mind... and president barack obama shall slay them =P i don't hate fall out boy, but i'm not a fan either i hate all rap music that is just about ****ing chicks and making the money that's not what real people deal with i don't hate rap though, in fact i love good rap
Way back when, I used to like rap until all it was was about 'bottle poppin', licking people like lollipops(?), pimping, gangs that we all know none of the rappers have actually been involved with, and black women with 'ghetto booty' and 'apple bottom jeans'.