I have come down with a severe case of writer's Forger's Block. What stinks even more profusely is that I have just started the map, and have no idea where to go with it. I was hoping some people could offer some suggestions? http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc179/mipmaker/screenshots/****INGGRRRR.jpg http://s214.photobucket.com/albums/cc179/mipmaker/screenshots/?action=view¤t=****INGMAPGODDAMNIT.jpg http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc179/mipmaker/screenshots/****INGMAPGODDAMNIT.jpg Does anyone have any ideas/suggestions? I would like to get this map going but...Well...I'm at a loss of what to do.
you can't take pictures directly from bungie you have to save them to your computer and upload them to photobucket.com then copy the direct link into here and voila!
Sorry 'bout that. I know how to post pictures. I'm just not thinking straight today, really tired, all that.
I've got it too. I had a great idea for my next one, but it just didn't work. With what you've got there, I'd either make more ways up to those platforms or put something up there that will increase flow to 'em. Perhaps even a way across both. I'm getting a close-quarters vibe from the ground level, and leaving the upper platforms almost the way they are. Or you could put a dragon in the middle. That always seems to spice things up a bit.
What i usually do when i get forgers block is just start placing random things and seeing what i like and what i dont... but usually i have the full map layed out on a piece of paper.
You made some computer animations of the maps like this that you were going to make. You posted them in an earlier thread, remember? Dig those pics out and take a long look at them. You'll see what you were going to do.
Its not a matter that I forgot the idea. I didn't have much on the image. I had one other feature, which didn't look very good. Thanks for the suggestion Felipe.