We all hope Sandbox is built for forge but are you sure they (bungie) is not pulling a trick? Sandbox could just be another map like assembly and orbital, what are the odds they are going to make a map like foundry with a lot more forging techniques and freedom? What do you all think? What would ya'll do if it was Fake? What do you hope will come out of it Forgewise?
I don't know why the map would be fake. If bungie said it would be a forge map, then it is a forge map, although I haven't been paying attention lately to bungie.net so I have no knowledge if they have or have not.
People are confident that it is a forge map because the skull has a monitor on it. Also, I have a feeling it will be large because of the tank dropper achievement, which has a monitor.
im glad another form about sandbox has been started.... expecially since their is little to discus... its bungie it is... or it isnt.... also this forum has 0 facts.... also dont get ur hopes up.... the monitor on the skull means NOTHING maybe u have to be in forge to get the acheivment... but then again i think bungie would have shot us down before creating something they dont have the means to start... so their u have it...
Well I do hope sandbox will be an awesome forge map, and I highly doubt that bungie is making a joke out of this.