Here are some more Screenshots Gunfire Golden Ring Resistance The Outer Rim Explosive Sniper Please Leave comments, rate, download and of course enjoy. Also which is your favorite?
I really like the last one, pretty nice looking, the pose, the background, everything, it really catches my eye. Resistance is also really nice IMO, I like how there is like snow scattered across the screen. The other two are nice too but the two I mentioned are my favorite. Nice job 4.5/5!
Golden Ring and Explosive Sniper are my favs. The lighting is really awesome in those. 10/10 for all of em
Explosive sniper is my favorite, but it would look better w/ a human sniper and no secondary weapon on the back.
The backgrounds of Resistance and Rim are cool. Without them, they're just people standing around looking Epic.
Wow, the deployable cover actually produces a really cool effect. Who knew! The explosive sniper and golden ring ones are the best. Although the deployable cover ones are original, I don't like them that much I think I become a 'Ranger' after this post... I'm sick of being a Sniper Rifle anyways ^^
ive seen alot like these its ok what i realy like about the shot is the shine of the armor i havent realy seen that befor 4/5