yes weve all seen this kinda topic before but trust me its different u see my idea is to add a toggle feature for maps for example the man cannons in narrows being able to toggle them off or that they turn on in a certain amount of time also that energy bridge in the middle, others ideas include toggles time of day, weather, and so on. mostly it would toggle things like doors and bridges and sometimes destruction like on highground making it to were that hole isnt in that little building or so on. but before i cover every map head to toe i wanna hear yalls toggle ideas you know, to add stuff thats not objects, stuff thats part of the map :squirrel_nono:
This has been suggested before, at least the weather bit, and the response is always the same: Bungie already made the game, adding this stuff would take an ungodly amount of coding to add into the game. It's nice to wish, but there is a forge wishlist, and I think that this would fall into that category.
There are many good Forge ideas but none of them are ever gonna be put into Forge. I want an undo button =P
Actually, Bungie could, theoretically, make a DLC object which changes the light levels. But that's a theory.
i would want bungie to go as far as letting us be ables to toggle the force a man cannon that would help keep people from hitting the tops of mapss all the time
i would like to see a terrain editor.....where you could adjust the terrain heights, and change the ground to tile, grass, water, etc.