Who is your favorite screenshot taker and why? I personally like Predator5791, a cuban cat, and Phenomenon IV the best. Predator has great forge art pics, cuban has amazing lighting, and phenomenon comes up with a lot of cool effects. Who are your favorite?
im not trying to mean or nothing, but i strongly disagree. i think iTz HLG nOob is the best....oh yeah, thats me!!
Maybe post some examples of your favorite pictures with links to the artists so us Newbs out here will understand what your talking about?
No it's not. i played with cuban two days ago, and i'm interviewing o major shock o for the front page of bungie.net. Trust me, they're two different people. Major shock has been around for a while, he actually used to have recon.
i think major still has recon. i talked with him and iCrankBRs yesterday. i didnt ask, but im kinda sure.
nope, he told me that he got it taken away for having a modded screenshot. It really sucks that they will take away recon over something so small, what did he get it for in the first place?
you guys make me sooo jealous. You know all these awesome screen shot takers and i don't know any. i don't really like many screen shots but i applaud predator for his arts in forge they are truly amazing. Alec944 you a good screen shot taker too : ]
Just put out your best in screenshot art and eventually, you WILL get noticed. i only know xkevlar through luck and being nice.
and where should i put my screenshot talents do u think? Luck isn't my thing but niceness...if that's a word is easy i'm a pro
ya your right my bad it used to be a king cat lol but ya cuban is only good at lighting really.. =/ not alot of action.. but im working my way up on that screen shot taker list myself all my shot's i've shown everyone says for the most part is 5/5 and i only take affect founder screen's cause i love being oringal so.. but ya major used to have it but now people just give him there acc like recover it and stuff just to take screenie's lol i dont think he cares that much as far as i know him.. o ya did u do the thing with my screen shots for me? if so message me the link or something
Invest your time in experimenting. Some ppl are too lazy to learn something new in Theatre mode (I kno i am ), so if you can reproduce an amazing effect, get some awesome content, or forge something cool and take a pic, you will have your own little niche to create a foothold. Also don't be afraid to share your techniques! As Alec944 said, if you're a better photographer than the copiers out there, then you will always create better screenshots.
Bungie dot net that ****. Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 Screenshots Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
he's ok, but he didn't really take any real screenshots. They're mostly just forge art in the air. It may be because i only looked at the first link, but that's his fileshare so i assume his best screenshots are in there.