The fact that you don't see weapons does not signify that the map is fake. Also, you can't simply look at a map and say that it plays bad, therfore it can't be real. Many people in the maps section give reviews based on just the looks, and many times their inferences about gameplay are wrong. For me, this seems like a 50/50 chance. It looks quite real, but on the other hand it seems unlikely that something of this magnitude would escape Bungie Studio's iron grasp. As many have said before, I can see that the buildings seem to be made of similar objects like ramps, double boxes, etc. I'm just as unsure as everyone else is, but I don't think you should count this picture out quite yet. (Plus, this pic kinda goes with the one Luke drew at Bnet, like someone else said.) =P
Look at it. Those are all pieces you can likely manipulate, not immovable. If you noticed there are small lines inbetween those structures.... as if they are pieces that had been put together..... hmmm sounds familiar eh?
Foundry is a great map for forge. Some of the most enjoyable experiences I have had in Halo 3 were in Foundry. Even though it may have walls, odd angles, and not everything you want doesn't mean its bad. Don't diss the Foundry foo.
I think he meant forgable immovable objects (i.e. Double Boxes on Foundry)... I do like the picture though. It really looks like a fun map, and it reminds me of Beaver Creek in a way (with the two bases on each side and the gap in the middle), only Sandtrap sized. If this is Sandbox, that would be cool, but I still doubt that it is.
If the objects were immovable on this map, and the sunset was permenatly stuck like that, wouldn't all the objects have long shadows? Bungie wouldn't make a trivial mistake like that [not giving objects shadows] which can only really mean one thing: the pieces in this "map" are or were movable. Think about Foundry, there is sunlight streaming through the roof and windows, however when moved into the sunlight the objects don't create shadows or change whatsoever. On Pre-Built maps, shadows are programmed in. Last Resort, Ghost Town, and any outdoors map will have shadows because Bungie programmed them in, however if the objects that make up the map are movable they can't have shadows because Bungie didn't program all the different possible locations for the objects to have each location react with the light source. Or, I have no idea what I'm talking about. This 2nd statement might very well be true.
That ain't bad either. Foundry has solid gameplay, perhaps not dynamic and exciting but the game works and the spawns. Yet has anyone been able to successfully make spawns that function that well on a forged map.
Confirmed. This is Sandbox. Hopefully it can be a bit more customizable like getting rid of that nasty sand...
ok,heres my thoughts. this is the defualt layout for sandbox,you know how theres a version of foundry in MM? well,I think this is what we'll play on in matchmaking when sandbox come up. you notice the gaps inbetween the objects? that leaves me to believe that this really is the forgemap. on foundry do you ever not interlock an object? even if you flip them upside down there is still a little crack. not useing all the glitches we use there would be a little crack inbetween every thing really try it, or download a lazy mapmaker map. as mention earlier there is a ever-so-slightly visable grid on the floor. in another pic there is a very visible grid,this makes me think this indeed sandbox. another thing ith those two pics,noyice how there a blue room in one and the other is sandtrap themed,this lleads me to believe that there is a envirment effect item,much like the FX in the ledgendary maps. Im gonna edit in a minete,my 15 minete limit is about to run out. EDIT:wisper made his proof post while i was typeing this up.
I guess it is real then, good find Whisper. I'm assuming we'll be seeing this in the Whats Update tomorrow. And if you enlarge that picture, you can see that 'orange' dots outline the whole map, just like those little pegs coming out of the ground on Sandtrap. So you can expect mines to come out of the ground just as they do on Sandtrap. Definitely a new Foundry, and this one is huge. Just look at the warthog compared to the actual map, and then think in relation to Foundry. It's pretty big.
Pertaining to the gird thing: All I see is square tiles, basically cubic's. If this is what you guys are referring to, I don't really think Bungie intended it to be a grid much like the floor of Foundry. But hypothetically you can use it as a grid, but literally it is not. That is just my opinion.
Yes, they are. They must feel like complete ignoramus's now seeing has confirmed it in the gallery. This is a larger picture for you guys. Can't wait for the Mythic Map pack to come out...
EDIT: Lol, well I guess it is confirmed? Why did firefox have to close midpost resulting in meh retyping this D= I hate speculation, but I feel people are too positively denying the credibility of this potentially "leaked" screen, so I feel it necessary to make some points. Let's first take a look at that fateful drawing by Lukem that teased us with speculation as to what Sandbox was, resulting in the general consensus that it was Sandtrap at night, and simply a farce on Bungie's end. However, this news update notified us that it was no joke, and a real drawing of Sandbox. Now, let's look at this newly "leaked" screen. Immediately you notice the similarities between the two. First of all, there is the abundance of sand, and the dark sky (previously believed to be a nighttime sky). When you look at the actual geometry of the map, you spot those pillar like things lining the side, and those towers looming in the distance. Of course, someone could have made a modded map or something of the sort as a trick, but let's get into more details first before we jump to that conclusion. I also wish to address the concern that this map is far to un-detailed (empty) and unprofessional looking to be the actual Sandbox. I will further address this later, but for now I wish to show you an overview of Sandtrap. The far distance does seem to take it's toll on quality and detail of the map, however you will notice similarities in the sand, and rock textures. May I also point out that the maps are not yet finished, and there are still finishing touches to be made. Particle effects such as sand/dust in the air might not yet have been included. So far, this new screen withstands that doubt. Now, when Sandbox was first brought up, it's name immediately resulted in everyone associating it with forge. Once the Mythic Skulls were added in Title Update 2, and people viewed them on the Sandbox skull appeared to have the Forge Monitor carved into its forehead. Ever since then (though sometimes questioned) Sandbox has been known as the forge map forgers have been waiting (or at least something we can actually forge on). Well, if you look closely at the map geometry, you notice clear cracks. These cracks create divided objects, that are quite familiar to us in shape. Don't those look like re-skinnings of our good ole Foundry items? You see some fairly new ones as well, but many are easily recognizable. Also, if you look closely at the floor, you can spot that familiar grid pattern of Foundry. If you look at the various other, unknown objects on this map, you notice objects about half the size of Single Boxes, and tall yet skinny pillars. This would mean that Bungie has been listening to our requests for varied item sizes. Should this actually be a Forge map, then that will also account for the apparent "emptiness" of the map, since we will be able to delete the geometry and reconstruct it like we could in Foundry. Once again, could someone not have just made this as a joke? Something to trick the halo community? Likely, but let us delve further into this screen. Most all can remember, or at least know about, the 2 acceptance videos created by Bungie. One showed a large empty room filled with character models (Bungie Employees) while the other displayed a empty black room with a blue grid floor, and a single piece of map geometry within it. Comparing the two pictures side by side, you notice similarities in the textures. Both are gray, with that rusty orange strip. Now, if we look at this new screen, you may notice the similarly rusty orange aesthetics. What does this say? Arguably a lot, or very little. However, if this is indeed a joke by someone, he/she is sure paying close attention to all small details. Not saying that is out of the ordinary, since if you are to pull a prank, might as well do it right; but as it stands right now, the continuity is undeniable to the point where it would most logically be all Bungie screens. Anyone looking at this new screen surely has noticed this mysterious, blue ball. Now, some have said it looks like a camo used in Fritzer's Sketch-Up, but one must realize that this cannot be true. If indeed this is fake, the person has surely payed close attention to detail and would not make a blunder as lazy as this. However, what could it be? It looks a little to washed out to be an actual camo. Perhaps a color filter? That would explain the somewhat odd and distasteful coloration of this map. Then again, that is only viewable in forge. No, these are fair guesses, but everyone has overlooked the obvious answer. It is the lens flare due to the sun, a similarly looking one is spotted elsewhere within the same screen. This would certainly explain it's detached look from the actual map. Now, I have provided many observations, comparing the screenshot wit currently existing (and official) Bungie released information. These comparisons are quite conclusive to the fact that this is real, and not fake, however if you steal believe the contrary, then allow me one more go to influence your speculation. No, there is no picture, or comparison, but it is perhaps the strongest information supporting the legitimacy of this "leaked" screenshot. Bungie are known to tease. After all, they are teasing Halo: ODST a year before it's release. Anyone who looks into Bungie's marketing strategy will notice that most of their marketing comes at no expense to them. It is the speculation of their fans. Ever since the mention of Sandbox, the Halo Community (especially the Forge one) has had much speculation about what Sandbox actually is. People even think they know what they think Sandbox is due to the far fetched speculations of others. Now, if you were Bungie and in control of the truth about a map, known to tease and allow the community to market your content for you, how would you go about releasing a screenshot of Sandbox? Well, if you were to "leak" it intentionally, wouldn't the Community eat it up and immediately start speculating upon it? Well, obviously that is what would happen, cause it is happening as of this moment. Within hours of this being discovered, every major Halo Community is discussing this new screen of Sandbox. Now, it is worth note that Bungie has used this "leaked info strategy" before. Before E3, their was leaked information about a new tactically based game that branches off from Halo involving ODST. Later, we were introduced to Halo: Recon (now ODST). So, is it unlikely that Bungie would "leak" this screenshot of Sandbox to create more hype? Well, I find it very likely, and it sure is working in the sense that it creates a lot of free-advertisement. So, is this real? Is it fake? You decide, but I would like to point out that this screen proves nothing, and shows us very little of Sandbox, so it isn't revealing all the secrets. Seems like a marketing ploy by Bungie to me. As for my opinions on it.. well I have typed too much as it is. I will shed light on my opinion later, maybe when more information is discovered/released.
Thanks for the link. I cna actually see the orange light bordering across the entire map and now I can see a chopper at each base. I still wonder what the blue and red lights are, because they don't look like powerups, unless they got a makeover on this map or something. Edit: (Above post) Yeah I see where you're getting at with this. It could be a demo-type layout, or a hoax. The world may never know....