
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by theheat, Jan 29, 2009.

  1. theheat

    theheat Ancient
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    Welcome to my map Nano. This map is a medium sized, asymmetrical map that can play well with most game types. This map plays very well with 4-10 people, TS, FFA, Flag and Bomb are all game types which excel on this map. This map took a total of 3 weeks from start to finish with tiny breaks. At least 50% of the time building this map went into perfecting the spawn system, so I hope you enjoy it.

    Sniper Room:
    Here is a view of sniper room. This room is very open and is a tiny risk to go through but a sniper and camo spawn in here, so you will be rewarded.

    Rocket Room:
    Here is rocket room. It's the room in the middle of the quickest route to both bases. Rockets spawn in this room.

    Defender's Hallway:

    Defender's Base:

    Game types:
    Flag - All*
    Slayer - All*
    Assault - All*
    Juggernaut - All
    Oddball - All
    KotH - All
    VIP - All
    Territories - All omit Conquest
    Infection - No
    *Optimized For

    Weapons -
    AR x2 - 30 second respawn
    BR x9 - 45 sec respawn
    Sniper Rifle x2 - 120 sec respawn - 1 assym. only, 1 both - 12 Bullets
    SMG x4 - 30 sec respawn
    Spiker x2 - 30 sec respawn
    Plasma Pistol x1 - 30 sec respawn
    Rocket Launcher x1 - 150 sec respawn - 4 Rockets
    Carbine x2 - 30 sec respawn
    Frag x2 - 10 sec respawn
    Plasma Grenade x10 - 45 sec respawn
    Trip Mine x1 - 60 sec respawn
    Regenerator x1 - 60 sec respawn
    Camo x1 - 180 sec respawn

  2. The Nasal Abyss x

    Senior Member

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    This map actually looks different from other ones posted on Forgehub beacuse of the structure of the level. I loved how the small corridors had a roof over them, while there were bigger, open areas of the map. Having the camo in the same room as the sniper may promote camping, but othere than that, i love the way this map is built. BTW, n33d5 moar int1rl0ckinz!!1!

    ^^ Just kidding, but this looks like a great map.
  3. Spartan 396

    Spartan 396 Ancient
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    Looks good but my only grievance with the map is the fact that sniper, camo, and a trip mine all spawn in the same room. That and that weapons appear to be sloppily placed on the map.

    Maybe fix that unless it has no real affect on gameplay and we'll be set :D

    Also; some box placement looks a little sloppy o.q

  4. africanBoi

    africanBoi Ancient
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    Wow i like the map. Asymmetric layouts add unique game play. This seems like a great free for all map. The only thing is you could add some aesthetics to the map but that's nothing really big. I would give you a 5/5 but what do numbers matter?
  5. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    I actually surprisingly like this map. Maybe you could add a bit more cover (cause it looks empty in the first picture) and geomerge some more just for better looks. Maybe you could also straighten some things out, but for the most this looks really great! I'll rate 3/5
  6. theheat

    theheat Ancient
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    I guess I'll be remaking the map with better aesthetics since this seems to be the only huge complaint.

    Now for the nasty camo-snipe-trip mine all in snipe room. I had to put camo somewhere's balanced on the map. From my point of view it was better to have camo closer to snipe then rockets (this is a 4 base map remember), because even though camo and snipe together = easy rape, rockets + camo is so much more overpowered that my dog could probably get a kill with the two. The last option that i would ever want to do is remove camo, because of the map layout a camo player can single-handedly turn the tides for his team, with skill and luck of course. For that trip mine I may relocate it to rocket room in between the two halls of attacker base.
  7. Bleet Tameheart

    Bleet Tameheart Ancient
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    Hm... Well I did a forgethrough...

    This does look like a good free for all map, with segregation to keep battles small, yet large rooms to keep each individual battle going, and hallways to slip out of it's needed...

    I did notice some things though that threw me off.

    Most notably was the fact that each room not only feels empty, but barely feels individualized from each other. It's that sense when you see a mansion in cartoons with a huge hallway, but just the same bedroom through each doorway. Throw some various asthetics... say take several shield doors "mounted" on walls, and a camo powerups through it, make it a pseudo "blue room"... Use teleporter receivers and make it a green room... Throw crates down on forklifts and turn it into an industrial area... Remove a wall, replace it with fence walls, and put warthogs and cones on the other side, and make it look like a warthog driving area. You could easily work with stuff like that.

    Another little asthetic tip that I'd suggest... The little wall above the trip mine looks kind of empty, kind of weird... Maybe you could take a fence wall and turn it into a pseudo crossover, put a warthog above it, something like that...

    As others have suggested, try taking the camo away from the sniper, it looks like it could promote camping as others have said.

    I'd imagine that the side corridors off to the side (where the asymmetric sniper spawns, mauler, etc... spawns) wouldn't be as heavily used as other areas. Is there something that I'm missing, or did that also come up in other playtests?

    The double open boxes that are interlocked together is a nice idea, but it causes a pretty nasty bump on one side. Maybe you should consider geomerging those so that it plays better...

    I've noticed on multiple spots that spawns literally overlap each other. I don't know if that would be an issue or not, but it's something to check into.

    I really can't say how to improve the map further from that, but it's still missing a certain something... I can't quite pinpoint it, but it's really hard for me to visualize how anything other then FFA would play out... and even in FFA, there would be spots that I would imagine would be very underutilized. In "good" (and I use the term loosely here) maps, you can almost imagine how things would play out, or get at least a decent picture of it. I'm just not seeing much other then FFA chaos in the large rooms. For that, it would be great, but for the rest? I just don't know.

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